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Was play to make an html widget but the link not work and i am not so familiar with coding
HTML Code i used !!
<div align="center">
  <p><img src="images/Documents-icon.png" width="16" height="16"> Please support our site by considering donating.
  <p><img src="images/paypal.png" width="200">
  <a href="" title="Donate to KristerSWE" target="_parent">Donate Here </a></p>

and looked like this


Anyway i would like to have this as an option in vBDonate ACP

What you think Ozzy47
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I am intending to have a CMS widget and a Forum block added to the product already, but I need to get some other things working first, namely the auto approve donations when you get a response back from PayPal.

So hopefully once the product goes open beta it will be in there. :D

But for now you can change your code to this:

<div align="center">
  <p><img src="images/Documents-icon.png" width="16" height="16"> Please support our site by considering donating.
  <p><img src="images/paypal.png" width="200">
  <a href="" title="Donate to KristerSWE" target="_self">Donate Here</a></p>

Let me know if that works.
A quick suggestion, it would be really nice to have the recent donations list in the widget. for example last 5 donations.
Then admins can choose how many donors it should appear in the list via admincp.

Widget Paypal Image
Latest Donors:
IcEWoLF - $10.000
Ozzy47 - $100.00

Maybe even add a mini bar in the widget to show donation progression too. (this is where prototype.js would be really neat)

I know I should have made a new thread about this, but since this is in the same topic, I might as-well put it here. :)
I am looking into ways of making it work, I knew about your post from the get go when you posted the suggestion before. :p

I already think I got a cms and forum block to work similar the the aforementioned one from KristerSwe, I just need to see about adding the other stuff.
Yeah it will be similar to that, although I think I am going to have issues adding the donation bar to it, so once it is released, it will probably be without that. I will always be looking to add it to there though. :D
Ozzy47, on the widget that KristerSwe posted, can a percentage option be added somewhere in there?
I'll look into the block again once I get the IPN working, right now I have to re-write some of the mod to work with the auto approving of donations. :confused:
Take your time ozzy , you doing good, just us dreaming on new features tehe, just good i can play in PS to make a model how it could look like . in the past i worked many years with web wiz forums (asp) and in the old days i maked many designs like that and the coders dressed my layout with code haha good way ;)

Thanks Ozzy !
I have a functioning Forum Side Block now, you can have either Latest Donations Block or a Top Donators Block or both. Now I have to get it working on the cms uggggg.

Latest Donations Block shows X recent donations and you can set X to any value.

Top Donators Block shows which X users donated the most and you can set X to any value.

Thanks, Dylan did the basics (getting the info) for it, and then I added the rest. Now I just have to do it for the cms (not looking forward to that lol).
The CMS widget shouldn't be any harder than the Forum block was. Check out my EAM free mod and maybe that will help you get it sorted out.
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