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Please ensure you've uploaded all files to their correct folders and that you have flushed any cache systems like vB Optimise you may be running :)
Uploaded all the files correctly from the latest version. And cleared cache. Still get the same thing.

The modification itself works fine. But the UserCP settings do not.
Gah, vB3 specific issue. I hate vB3 :(

Re-download, re-upload and re-import XML, that'll take care of it :)
The "User Tagging" title now is displayed. But the pages are still blank. I uploaded the latest version from the download section. :confused:
I'm unable to confirm that, it's working fine on my test board and on a public 3.8 site I have access to.
I went back to 2.0.2 and it worked fine. I can see the settings (except the hash subscriptions since I think that was added in 2.03).

But as soon as I load the 2.0.3 XML everything shows up blank. :(
Fillip H. is unavailable at the moment, he will get back to you when he has a chance.
ini_set('display_errors', true);
to config.php and see if that gets the web server to display the error. Without an error message it's hardly possible for me to fix the error :p
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

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