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I know people have gotten it to work using the method you linked to. I can try to do it for you if you'd like, and I could also set up the slider as per your request above, or at least get most of the settings done for you to look at and then tweak per your likings. If you don't object, I can just have Fillip H. forward me your ACP info, or you can provide me with the same or new info. We don't wish to alienate any of our paying customers, as you are implying.

I spent around 14 days responding to 1 email each day. I'm guessing because we live across the pond we were not able to link up and get any issue resolved quickly. So as I say I would get 1 email per day which might have been a yes or no answer, and then I would have to go another full day just to wait for the next response. The worse part was instead of communicating in the forum here for others to see and possibly have some tips from a similar issue, I was asked right from the start to create an admin account, contact server host for ftp access which took four days, and then wait for a response. All along I asked to be emailed so that I at least knew when I would have info on any update to the issue, and each time I was ignored. I have owned and admin my own website for 15yrs and this was the 1st time I have ever been asked for an admin account to be created and a ftp account be created. I know how to do several things that I should never need to have someone ask to come on to my server or backend of my website. If anything it would be a last resort. And had these type of issues be dealt with thoroughly I could have found that info by searching and more then likely never would have needed to post about my issue to start with.

At any rate you run your business the way you see fit. I don't agree with it, but then again it's not my business to be concerned with. However, I was a paying customer that in the end was not happy with the way things were dealt with. So I removed your plugin, spent an additional $100 on someone else plugin that came with a vBa CMPS module and all is well. Btw, the $100 was not just for the slider plugin alone.
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