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When I installed the product it just hangs at the finalizing install screen. Doesn't move forward, nothing.

The shoutbox functions fine for the users.

When i go to the admin screen there are no options. All the adminCP options are blank. This is even with the super admin account.

Any ideas?
Sounds to me like some files did not get uploaded correctly. Download the product again, and re upload files to ftp, and re import the xml.
I'm not sure what you mean by blank, but please ensure you've set yourself as Super Administrator in config.php so that you can see the vBShout menu group :)
I downloaded the newest version again. I un installed the version i had running. I then uploaded everything again, then the XML. Same thing. It just sits at this screen... I could let it sit for hours.


Then if i go to the forum, the shoutbox is working.

Then, when i go to the admin, i don't see the settings i should. When i read advice givin to other people I don't have the same settings, as the advice give'n


I am 100% sure than i am set as a super admin. I even added my other mod user ID. Still nothing. I know i am a super admin because i can see the settings. Mods can't and regular admin's can't.

Any ideas? Is it my VB version.. I have been meaning to upgrade.
Oh you do see the left side menu, then click Instance Management and you can edit 99% of settings there :)
Now I know i have a problem. See the attached pics, that is what i see when i click the adminCP links. One pic is the instance manager and the other is the chat manager.

I remember seeing a readme some place saying that some files can cause trouble, and cause CP links not to show. I can`t find that readme again. Wondering if it`s that.

The read me you are talking about said this:

The directory structure changed to bring it more in line with other
DragonByte Tech products. For the most part, you can leave the old
files alone.

However, if you experience weird AdminCP navigation menu issues,
please delete the following files from your /includes/xml/ folder:

* bitfield_vbshout.xml
* bitfield_vbshout_pro.xml
* cpnav_vbshout.xml
* cpnav_vbshout_pro.xml
* hooks_vbshout.xml
* hooks_vbshout_pro.xml

The new files are named:

* bitfield_dbtech_vbshout.xml
* bitfield_dbtech_vbshout_pro.xml
* cpnav_dbtech_vbshout.xml
* cpnav_dbtech_vbshout_pro.xml
* hooks_dbtech_vbshout.xml
* hooks_dbtech_vbshout_pro.xml
There is probably a PHP error on the page, try adding this to config.php:
ini_set('display_errors', true);
Yep there is an error

After i added that, I went to the instance manager, and got this error. It should also be noted, that i get a similar error when i go to the chat manager, also related to the Class 'VBSHOUT'

Fatal error: Class 'VBSHOUT' not found in /dbtech/vbshout/actions/admin/instance.php on line 39

I also tried to delete the XML files, but then the whole shout box is broken. I had to re upload the XML files. Then re import the product.


Pretty sure this is the code on line 39, of instance.php

" . (VBSHOUT::$isPro ? "| <a href=\"vbshout.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=instance&action=masspermissions\">" . $vbphrase['dbtech_vbshout_quick_instance_permission_setup'] . "</a>" : '') . "
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Yes I do use that mod.

The ironic part is I seen you post about it a few days ago. Having no idea that it would effect me. I didn't have the shout box installed at that point. At least they are working on a fix.

I will go about changing the execution order, I will post back when i have success. So other users can use the info if they need. Might save you some needless support in the future.

Thanks for the help mates! I at least know what needs to happen now. You also helped me find a php error in another mod.

---------- Post added at 02:59 ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 ----------

Yep that worked, now i see my settings. Thanks again.

Anyone else that needs to edit this.

Just go to your admin control panel -->Plugins & Products -->Plugin Manager, Then scroll to the I.S.S.W area, find "admin_global" Click edit. In there is where you change the execution order.

Cheers. Thanks again for your time.
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