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Can you run through the steps you've been taking? I'll have a look at it when I get a few minutes. :)
Are the user's you are trying to add to the usergroup already in a usergroup that cannot be changed? I'm still becoming familiar with how vBDonate works since taking over from Ozzy. :)
OK i am waiting for your fix update, I am trying to update usergroup who have a donate but does to work Change/Add To Usergroup.
So it does or doesn't change/add a user to the usergroup? I'm getting lost... :D

Are you certain that the users who aren't changing are not already prevented from doing so by the Admin settings?
Doesn't Work change/add a user to the usergroup.

No, Admin settings : Usergroup To Change Or Add To Donator Member from Registered Users.

If you need check my Admin settings ? i will give you admin CP Login details, as soon as you can Please give me a fix update about on this issue.
I've not discovered the problem yet. I can see on your site the problem, and I'm taking some time to look at what the source of it might be. :)
I've been busy finalizing the release candidates for Classifieds. Once I've more of that completed I can take more time to look at and get familiar with this issue. ;)
No, This issue does not fixed added to a usergroup on the front end of the vBDonate system.

If i go to Search for Users and This user still is Registered Users but does not added to Additional Usersgroup,
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