file not found

  1. T

    Bug Importing Product, Please Wait...

    I'm attempting to install vBArcade 2.0.2 on vB 5.0.X. Once the files have been uploaded - first when I import receive a 'File Not Found' error as it cannot see the files in the /core/ sub-directory. After I move these to this directory and try again, the page immediately then shows 'Importing...
  2. J

    Question Sitemap submission problem in GWT

    I have a weird problem with sitemap submission. It generates well, the files are all there when I come to the office, but each day google webmaster tools greet me with an error "sitemap does not contain any URLs". The error dissappears when I resubmit. I think this may be caused by my...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Question Custom 404 Error Page

    How to Create Custom 404 Error Page? DBSEO have a Custom 404 Error Page php file?
  4. Tornike55

    Bug Remote server or file not found

    hello, i have problem when i add chanel have Twitch.Tv - Game Community Remote server or file not found anyone can help me ? pls i can't add chanel got error what is problem can help pls ? :(
  5. eva2000

    Bug no such file - /dbtech/vboptimise_pro/includes/cachers/cacher_datastore.php ?

    Hi guys been a while since I popped in here. This is actually a question on behalf of a client of mine who I referred to you guys for purchasing pro license + branding free :) He's having some load issues which I am diagnosing and while stracing his PHP proceses, I noticed a call to a none...
  6. D

    Bug Critical Search Engine Optimisation bug

    I have spotted a very serious bug in VBOptimise Pro. For pages that don't exist e.g. threads that have been deleted when it is hit VBUlleting responds with a 404 header. However if you enable the guest caching it first (pre cache) responds with 404 but then any subsequent requests it responds...
  7. G

    Bug File not found errors for files more than 60 Mb

    After upgrading to v2 I can't dowload big files - FILE NOT FOUND error: I tried to download different archives - 60 Mb, 70, 90... The other files in the same category, that are less then 60Mb - is ok. So its not a problem of permissions. PHP configuration:
  8. M

    Bug Cant download file biger than 129MB

    Hello Can i know please what php setting i must have , My php limit set to 200MB and also all files in VBdownload are set to 200MB i can upload file up to 200MB but when I want to download any file bigger than 129MB it give me file not found on server . How i can fix that please ?
  9. Radsy

    Fixs ur downloads

    been trying to download this vBDownloads Path Checker but none of the links works you have one that comes back with File not found. Please go back. and as for this one well dont work at all
  10. Radsy

    Question You did not enter a valid value for this setting.

    Hey guys i can seem to get around this Please enter the path to your downloads directory i have this in the box " downloads + i have tryed /htdocs/downloads still no go " Error: You did not enter a valid value for this setting. and when i go and save it comes up with the is errors on...
  11. J

    Bug Credits popup no longer exists

    When you click someone's credits in their postbit/profile, or when you click the credits in the navbar, a popup is supposed to come up where you can donate, etc. I don't know why, but this doesn't exist any more. When I click the number of credits it just goes to credits.php. It wasn't always...
  12. W

    Bug Large Files Fail to Download

    Ok, one last bug report and I'm calling it a night and a week(end). I have been testing raising the limits on my server to allow for larger file sizes. Here is what I have my php.ini set to right now: Before today my max post size was 51 MB, max file upload was 50 MB, and memory limit was...