A Question of Color and Mood!

Diana Notacat

For today's topic, we discuss COLORS! :D

Color has this way of affecting moods. It probably has this scientific throwback to ancient evolution and bad-poison colors and what not. So maybe, when you visit websites on the internet, almost all of them are using BLUE as their main colors! Blue seems to be a really mood-soothing color. Almost every forum system uses blue as it's default style color also! Blue is everywhere!

Blue might be a nice color, but it IS good to get variety now and then. What colors do YOU prefer on web pages? Do you like light backgrounds or dark ones? What's the main accent color you use most often? What colors just seem to put you in a bad, bad mood if you stare at them for too long?
I like my site. ;) It's a dark theme with green. www.darkhandofvalor.com

It's not perfect, but I do like what we've done so far. I'm not a designer by any stretch though and REALLY want to get a professional to come clean it up and make it... right. but overall I like it.

Personally, I hate red sites, whether or not it's red on a light or dark theme, it annoys me and I don't want to look at it for long at all.
That's an AWESOME shade of green Trekkan! I really like that!

I'm using slightly darker grey tones on half of my site, with teal and lighter greys for accents! On the other half I am user black and dark grey as the background, and some muted greens like Trekkan's for the accent colors. My new 4.0 style for that half might have some brighter greens though.

I also like dusty brown colors! But, there's something really fresh about a clean white layout with teal accent!
i like lighter colors, like a light yellow on a hazey brown backdrop. but if i have to keep it simple i prefer silver (which i spose isnt a colour atall but still a favorite of mine haha)
i like dark colors for webpages, my favourite combinations are light+dark, for example bright green and black, orange and black...