
Hey guys quick question.

I'm most likely going to be upgrading as soon as I can to vB5 (already have purchased) and currently use your mods on 4.2, love them and am ready to upgrade to full versions for a few. But, now due to vB5, I'm just wondering if you guys will be offering free upgrades for pro products or separately for newly created versions of mods to work with vB5?

If you are going to be doing separate charges, I may as well wait, but if offering life and version upgrades, I will most likely buy full versions in the next month.

I'm going to update once all the DBtech mods I use work on VB5, I know you guys are working fast but I hope you strive to get this going even faster :)
I can't wait for the updates, you're all doing a great Job
During upgrade will all the data in the mods/database be preserved? eg like/thank count in likes/thanks or will some things like stats have to be reset? I haven't read up much on the topic I suppose I'll have to go look around the place

I know you're working on it and have some going already but here's the list of Mods I want working on VB5(just so you know there's demand);

DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro)
DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: InfoPanels (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: User Status & Moods
DragonByte Tech: Username Change
DragonByte Tech: vB Optimise (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: vBActivity & Awards (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: vBArcade (Pro)
DragonByte Tech: vBCredits II Deluxe (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: vBNotifications
DragonByte Tech: vBShop (Lite)
DragonByte Tech: vBShout (Pro)
Currently, upgrades are not supported for any of the mods that have been released.

However, in all cases where an upgrade makes sense (such as APTL, AUT, vBShop), upgrades will be supported once we have had the chance to test an upgraded installation.

There's currently no plans to support an upgrade for vBShout due to the fact that I took the opportunity to make changes to some design decisions I made 2 years ago that have not worked out as well as I hoped.
Most settings that were "Enable X" have been flipped to "Disable X", and as such upgrades are notoriously difficult.
vBShout doesn't contain any data that's vital to the forum - such as Thanks button clicks - so IMO it wouldn't make sense to spend the time to upgrade it.

vBActivity will have limited upgrade support, in that the Points will most likely be re-calculated, but all Achievements / Awards will be maintained :)

This is my understanding of the current plan at the time of writing. Everything is subject to change, of course :)