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I downloaded the 5.3.1 and have a site going and would like to add this to forum is there a how to for this i have latest vb version 4.0.6 but not sure where to down load this what folder ect do i have to go to my server then admin c/p to get this going

thanks in advance
Thanks Fillip H. for reply back i am new to this and need better detail and thanks in advance

1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory. where is forum directory ???

2. CHMOD the /dbtech/vbshout/aop folder to 0777 what i am supposed to do with this not understanding where

3. Import the product-dbtech_vbshout.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products ->
Add/Import Product i got where this is

4. That's it! You can start editing settings and setting usergroup permissions.
Forum directory is where your forum is.

Right click the specified folder in your FTP program and click Change Permissions.
Just to clarify: your forum directory is the folder in your FTP program that your forum is located in =)
i have c panel and it acts like a ftp program i need a walk through of what to put where cause instructions are vague thanks
I think it might be best for you to pay someone (or pay DBTECH) to get it installed until you learn more. (Just my opinion, but it sounds like you are not ready).
I think it might be best for you to pay someone (or pay DBTECH) to get it installed until you learn more. (Just my opinion, but it sounds like you are not ready).

i dont think so if i had better instructions i would and could do it if i dont get the help i guess i will install another one not that i want to cause i have used these chats before and like them....
i dont think so if i had better instructions i would and could do it if i dont get the help i guess i will install another one not that i want to cause i have used these chats before and like them....

It's more that the instruction you require would need to be specifically tailored to your needs. Most of the information you are missing is "basic" information that you should know when running a forum and why hornstar says you probably are not ready. It's not meant as anything against you, just that you're going to need to do some reading and learning on the subject, or hire someone to help you install/configure your server.

Again, nothing meant against you at all. =)

The best way to learn, is to try and fail. Give it a shot, figure it out. We all still do this every day working on our forums, it just takes practice and patience.
ok i finally got this d/loaded to forum ... the question now is i have all settings enabled for new posts and i go to forum manager but not seeing anything for chat to manually do this per forum.. new posts are not showing in chat any suggestions on this....
do you guys stand behind your products or no i ask for help but seem not to get any i have lite version and if this worked well i would purchase the pro but if i get no help i will go elsewhere
The Forum Manager under the DBTech - vBShout product header has per-category configuration for these things.
Per Forum is a Pro-only feature.
do you guys stand behind your products or no i ask for help but seem not to get any i have lite version and if this worked well i would purchase the pro but if i get no help i will go elsewhere

Please bear in mind that Lite support is given as and when we are able to. We ensure questions and issues our pro customers have are dealt with first, for obvious reasons =)
Please bear in mind that Lite support is given as and when we are able to. We ensure questions and issues our pro customers have are dealt with first, for obvious reasons =)

this i do understand but i like to testdrive all the stuff i use or get to see if i want full product like buying a car really is one me if i like the lite version and have no issues and support is there then i have no problem shelling out the money but if support is lacking i get no help why would i buy into it cause the support on full could be same...

here is one more question about this chat maybe i will get the help.... background for this where i type default is white how do i make it black....?????

and just so we are clear i cannot have new posts showing in lite just pro correct?????
The input area works off of two StyleVars:
input_background and control_focus_background. The first is before the user selected the input area, and the 2nd is while the user is typing.

The actual shouts' background area works off of the postbit_background StyleVar.

You can have new posts showing in Lite, however you can only enable / disable it on a per-category basis, rather than per-forum.

Hope that helps :)
thanks you so much Fillip H. it worked perfect ... as for the new posts its not showing in chat now i have enabled them in shoutbox features and nothing there anywhere else what am i missing...
Did you also enable the posts in the categories under Forum Manager? I don't mean vBulletin's forum manager entry, I mean the one under vBShout.
Did you also enable the posts in the categories under Forum Manager? I don't mean vBulletin's forum manager entry, I mean the one under vBShout.

not sure i follow you the only section i see db shout anything is in vb options and all that is enabled forum manager there is nothing vb shout at all which in pro you would see that cause that is a per forum....where else would i look to do this....
Try giving yourself Super Administrator permissions so that you can see the navigation menu for vBShout.
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