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|| 3. First Time Installation / Upgrade                                 ||

1. Upload all files from the "forum" folder to your forums directory.

2. Import the product-dbtech_vbshout_pro.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products ->
   Add/Import Product

3. That's it! You can start editing settings and setting usergroup permissions.

NO forum Folder avaible into the Retail Package and why the lite version also included into the Package ??? Confused about that and very weird...
Actually that's meant to read:
1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory.

Sorry for the confusion, Fillip H. will update the product soon :)
Because you install both Lite and Pro versions (Pro extends Lite). However we're changing that as it's clearly confusing. Sorry for the trouble :)

Simply install Lite first, then Pro :)
you fix the package soon with only the pro version ? hard to follow and files that not needed must be uploaded to the webhost then.
Fillip H. is developing the next version currently, which I believe has the issue of Pro/Lite resolved.
k thanx for info and hope that is fixed soon... some other question, why no option avaible into the customer area to download older version of the package ? only newest avaible
The new members system just went live the other day so older version 4 releases aren't there unfortunately, and DBTech started off at version 4 (prior versions were not released by us).

However, as we release new versions, we'll keep the older ones :)
Indeed, I can confirm that the Lite / Pro confusion will be gone by the next version :)
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