Bug Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_cor

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Using the dropdowns to look @ specific currency:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 809
Can you please post the surrounding 10 lines in either direction? I am unable to find a foreach statement anywhere near that line in the Pro version of 2.1.0.
ten lines from

credits_core.php on line 809

I haven't edited any of the files.

The error message appears at the very top of the page.
Also - this has happened after upgrading vbcredits, vbshop, vbactivity, and applying patches to latest vB.
I'm getting this as well. I'm hoping you mean post the code from credits_core.php. I get it for line 843 which is in red.
function credits_events($actionid = '', $currencyid = 0, $array = false)
	global $vbulletin;
	$eventids = array();

	foreach ($vbulletin->vbcredits['event'] AS $aid => $currencies)
		if (empty($actionid) OR $actionid == $aid)
			foreach ($currencies AS $cid => $events)
				if (empty($currencyid) OR $currencyid == $cid) $eventids = array_merge($eventids, array_keys($events));
[COLOR="#FF0000"]	foreach ($vbulletin->vbcredits['history'] AS $aid => $currencies)[/COLOR]
		if (empty($actionid) OR $actionid == $aid)
			foreach ($currencies AS $cid => $events)
				if (empty($currencyid) OR $currencyid == $cid) $eventids = array_merge($eventids, $events);

	$eventids = array_unique($eventids);
	return ( $array ? $eventids : ( sizeof($eventids) ? 'eventid IN (' . implode(', ', $eventids) . ')' : '0' ) );
You can change that line to
foreach ((array)$vbulletin->vbcredits['history'] AS $aid => $currencies)
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