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Hi Fillip H.,

After installing VBShop & VBMail, let's them running 5 minutes then my Server load go up to 45/24 from ~ 20 - 22 / 24.
First I disabled VBShop -> The Load is around 40 - 45 / 24.
Then I disabled VBMail -> go down to 20 - 25 as normal.

I turn VBMail again for 5 minutes then the load come to 38/24 again.
I did not create any Mailing list or play anything with VBMail.

It's not so good. Just enable it then it eat resource as whole forum eat.
Could you please check it?

Thank you.
vBMail does not do anything until you actually send a mail to a mailing list.

Btw, a load of 20 is very much not normal. You need to switch to a more powerful hosting package. Anything above 5 for a prolonged period of time indicates your server is not powerful enough to handle the strain you are putting on it.

Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this.
Did you happen to check your resource usage before the upgrade to vB 4.1.5, I do believe Fillip H. is correct though, just want to see if you have a comparison between 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 running on tor hosting package.
It's my own Dedicated servers with Dual Xeon 5680 (6 Core x 2 Processors x 2 threads). Server load 20 is normal for my site.
I will check this more then report to you.
Is the dedicated server run from your house, or do you lease the server, meaning is it you who provides the bandwith and such from your ISP or is it a host who provides the bandwith?
My server is in DC with 100Mbps International BW.
I don't any issue with the BW. Only have server load issue when I enable vBMail.

I've just tested it again. Now I can sure that the issue was caused by vBMail. I recored my screen for you to see The differences in Before and After enabling vBmail.
In this video you can see:

A. First time:
Before enabling VBMail: Sever load = 28.
Afer: Server to go 45
Then I disable it again, it went down to 32. Then go to test again.

B. Second time:
Before: 32
After: 45
Then I disable it, it went down to 23.


Some information about my forum which may help you:
- Forum Members: ~900,000 members. The user table is very big, so if there is any query which access user table, the server may have issue. These queries should be optimized.

- Pageview/days: 2.000.000 pages.
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vBMail only queries the user table when you send a mail, or once a hour when it checks for who's above the bounced flag threshold.

There's only one small change I can make to the latter, it'll be a part of the next update.
Hi Fillip H.,

What I say here are 100% truth.
I'm strongly want to use VBMail on my site. I've just setup a load balancing system (with 8 servers) for my site.
Normally at the peak time, Load are about 3-5/8. After I turn VB Mail on, all of servers' load increase from 6 - 8 / 8. I tried to turn Enable Modification in VBMail to Off, but there is no different.

I think the issue is not related to Turn option on/off, it relate to something else.
Could you please help me check what happen?

Thank you.
vBMail does not do anything when it is not asked to send an email, sadly there's nothing I'll be able to do about this :(
I found what plugin cause the server to very high load.
AFter turn it off, the server load came down rapidly.

It is: Global Initialisation - global_bootstrap_init_complete

The strange thing here is even Enable Modification is off, the Mod is still cause very high load.
That's simply an initialiser and does nothing more than read entries already found in the $vbulletin variable.

Please PM me with FTP information and an AdminCP account.
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