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Hi Darkwaltz4.
Just got the PRO version and it looks great. However I can't get the UPLOAD event to work. I post + attach a file, but I only get credits for the post and not for the file.
What can be wrong?

Here is how I have setup the upload event:
Can this issue have anything to do with the fact that I have configured all the uploads to be stored outside the "forum" folder?
That shouldn't matter. Do you get any errors? Does it interrupt the upload process? Does it work if you specified a remote url as the image vs uploading from your computer?

There was a similar bug report about this months ago, but was for vb4 and the flash uploader
No errors whatsoever. Uploading process not interrupted.
Doesn't matter - file from my computer or remote URL - doesn't work in both cases.
I see he still has this as awaiting feedback so i will add Darkwaltz4 to this so he gets a notice on it.
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More issues

Thanks for waiting again, I believe I have fixed this :) Please confirm (tested on your site)

Hi. Thanks it works! Well done :D
However, there are a few bugs:
1) If a post is deleted with attachments in it - then the credits for the attachments are not reduced.
2) More important: on my forum users can upload multiple (up to 5) attachments in one click of the button "Upload" (see attached image). But they only get credits awarded as if they did 1 upload. Moreover, credits are reduced for every single of these attachments when they are deleted one-by-one. Can you somehow fix this bug? So that when the "Upload" button is pressed the system counts the number of files being uploaded
3) MOST IMPORTANT: am I right that the way you coded it was by making the credits system be triggered when the upload form is submitted regardless of the result? This explains the above issue, plus the next one: if a user tries to submit a file with an invalid format or tries to attach a web-file with an invalid address, presses the "Upload" button - nothing is submitted, he gets an error, BUT THE CREDITS ARE AWARDED! This is a very serious issue. Users can use this loophole to gain unlimited credits. The upload event is unusable unless this is fixed.

Hope you can attend these issues.


well, thanks for being more thorough at coming up with testing scenarios than i was. im looking at it again...
Darkwaltz4, does your silence mean that you gave up?! Now way! This should be easy as shit for you ;)
Come on man!! It's been over a week now.
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