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Various vBA pages all show as "Unknown Location" in online.php. That's just sloppy and ugly. How about naming them properly?

We tend to prioritise our time based on the things people request - our customers have expressed, pretty much unanimously, that they prefer more features being added to the time being used for small aesthetic things such as this. Time is limited and if it's spent in one place it has to be taken from somewhere else.
Eh, it's not that small a thing. It's not some obscure description buried 3 levels deep that nobody notices but in full view of a bunch of members who use the Who's Online feature on a regular basis. Even various unpaid mods that I've got installed all properly name their own pages. If you're unable to do that this late in a paid mod's development cycle then I really don't know what to say. Just how much time would this take you? And how much more professional the mod would feel?

Personally, I think it's ridiculous that the free mods I've got up can come with proper labels but the one I paid $85 for doesn't. If nothing else, it looks completely unprofessional and I assume that's not what you're aiming for.
It's not a bug, it's a feature that's not yet implemented :)

I'll change this to a feature request :)
Eh, it's not that small a thing. It's not some obscure description buried 3 levels deep that nobody notices but in full view of a bunch of members who use the Who's Online feature on a regular basis. Even various unpaid mods that I've got installed all properly name their own pages. If you're unable to do that this late in a paid mod's development cycle then I really don't know what to say. Just how much time would this take you? And how much more professional the mod would feel?

Personally, I think it's ridiculous that the free mods I've got up can come with proper labels but the one I paid $85 for doesn't. If nothing else, it looks completely unprofessional and I assume that's not what you're aiming for.

As I said, to you this is important - to others it's a minor aesthetic change in an area of the forum 99% of members never see. When it comes to where they want us to spend that time the feedback we've received is spend it on adding a feature we've requested instead of on doing this. If more people tell us that they find this more important than squeezing in extra features then we'd change our priorities. Not really sure how we can be faulted for listening to customer feedback and going with the majority to be honest - please understand that just because you see something as important, it doesn't mean others do.

If you check the feature requests forums you'll find very few, if any, people requesting this - but a lot of people requesting (and supporting requests for) other features. It's only fair that THOSE features get given priority.
I disagree... and unless you polled the customers about this particular issue blanket statements about importance aren't really valid. You see this as purely aesthetic - but if that was a fact half of the descriptions in Who's Online would be missing because nobody would bother with them. Where exactly are you doing all this mass polling of people what they want?

Showing "Unknown Location" location in Who's Online screams "someone has yet to fully integrate this mod" to anyone who bothers looking - it looks unprofessional. And debating whether it should be included or not is like debating whether a major feature should come with documentation or not. It's simply redundant discussion. There are things that just have to be there for the sake of completion, professional look and, not lastly, because they serve a function.

Now, certainly, you may not care about any of these things but they're still a fact nonetheless. Putting this up for discussion is like putting including help for discussion. Most people don't need it and/or don't read it, especially not those people who'd vote in your poll. Following that logic, we can simply skip including help for the minority that needs it. Not quite?
I disagree... and unless you polled the customers about this particular issue blanket statements about importance aren't really valid. You see this as purely aesthetic - but if that was a fact half of the descriptions in Who's Online would be missing because nobody would bother with them. Where exactly are you doing all this mass polling of people what they want?

Showing "Unknown Location" location in Who's Online screams "someone has yet to fully integrate this mod" to anyone who bothers looking - it looks unprofessional. And debating whether it should be included or not is like debating whether a major feature should come with documentation or not. It's simply redundant discussion. There are things that just have to be there for the sake of completion, professional look and, not lastly, because they serve a function.

Now, certainly, you may not care about any of these things but they're still a fact nonetheless. Putting this up for discussion is like putting including help for discussion. Most people don't need it and/or don't read it, especially not those people who'd vote in your poll. Following that logic, we can simply skip including help for the minority that needs it. Not quite?

The feature request section acts as a helpful poll by allowing people to request the things they see as important. If people felt the way you did and thought this was important, they would request it be added. The fact this rarely/never happens shows that it is an issue which does not affect the vast majority of our customers. As a result we spend the time implementing things they DO ask for.

I understand that everyone thinks the things THEY want are the most important and vital, but the fact is that if it were true more people would request them. If things ARE requested by several people, they get added. It's a democratic system and it works pretty well we've found.

Adding things just because one person feels very strongly that it should be there would be unfair to the people whose requests were missed out despite being backed by more people. While i appreciate that to you this is very important, the fact is that to our customer base in general, it's not. If it is they've done a very good job of hiding their feelings on the matter while still requesting OTHER changes and features they felt were important.
Heh, ok, I'm not going to get anywhere when I need to argue in favour of common sense. You just don't get that you're shooting yourself in the foot here. And since you simply repeated yourself in your last post I can only assume that you either didn't really read what I wrote or just scanned it, completely missing the point. I'm not sure what you think that I'd personally be gaining from this.

P.S. Where exactly is this "feature request section"?

---------- Post added at 03:22 ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 ----------

Heh, ok, I'm not going to get anywhere when I need to argue in favour of common sense. You just don't get that you're shooting yourself in the foot here. And since you simply repeated yourself in your last post I can only assume that you either didn't really read what I wrote or just scanned it, completely missing the point. I'm not sure what you think that I'd personally be gaining from this.

P.S. Where exactly is this "feature request section"?

---------- Post added at 03:22 ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 ----------


See: The system works ^.^ - someone else requested it, the feature was accepted, and it will be in the next version. Everyone wins. =)
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