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Hi, after enabling Optimize Pro, I was unable to add any new mods... whenever I submitted the XML file, I'd just get a white screen. Tried with several different mods, include the update to the vbActivity. After turning off Optimize, I was able to add just fine, then turned optimize back on.

Any thoughts?
As an update, I also don't seem to be able to change language phrases while Optimize is enabled. i get the same white screen. For now, I turn it off, make my change, and turn it back on.
Hey Swiftor, sorry for the late reply had an eventful weekend :)

I'll start with the basics as I'm unable to reproduce any of the errors mentioned:

- Your PHP Version
- Do you have error reporting on
- Did you make the manual edit to cache.php as instrucuted during install, or not? (Depends on your php version)
- What cache method are you using?

Alternatively, if you'd like to pass me a temporary FTP login and admin login via PM I'd be happy to investigate the issue directly on your website :)
Hey Deceptor, let me see about getting you those credentials, since I don't think I can get you the adequate information.

But from what I know:

- I asked my host to upgrade the php to 5.3 and they state they did. don't know exact version.
- no idea if error reporting is on.
- did not make the manual edit
- xcache

I'll try to get you the login info soon, but tonight I'm kind of wiped out! Thanks for responding!
Hey Deceptor, let me see about getting you those credentials, since I don't think I can get you the adequate information.

But from what I know:

- I asked my host to upgrade the php to 5.3 and they state they did. don't know exact version.
- no idea if error reporting is on.
- did not make the manual edit
- xcache

I'll try to get you the login info soon, but tonight I'm kind of wiped out! Thanks for responding!

Thanks :) Did you run a system test within vB Optimise, and everything reported back ok? The fact you're using XCache means it may require authentification to flush cache, if so it would need condfiguring.
Ahh, then you probably require authentification. In the vBO settings you'll find a yes/no option for authentification, simply set it to yes. Then open/edit ./vboptimise/config.php, inside you'll need to enter your XCache Username/Password, once done upload and re-test. Should be good then :)

FYI, your XCache authentification is defined within php.ini, but the password is stored as an md5 hash so you won't be able to copy/paste that into config.php, if your not sure what the password is you can simply change it in php.ini then update config.php :)
So if I change it in the php.ini , that'll become the new xcache password? Would I have to update the password anywhere else for vbulletin you think?
Hmm, so I changed the fancy looking password to a different one in the php.ini, updated the config.ini for vboptimize, then restarted the apache services, and it still seems to be unable to clear the cache. Any thoughts? Thanks again for the help!
The password in php.ini is md5-hashes, so you can't put this:

xcache.admin_password = "password"

You'd need to put the md5 equivalent, which for `password` would be:

xcache.admin_password = "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"

You can generate md5 passwords here:

Keep in mind, the username is plain-text in the php.ini, and the vBO config.php requires the password in plain-text.
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