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See Here Single-Line Text to Multiple-Line Text Box Request to have this option.

status multi line.jpg

The option to have a Image/Picture , Video and Emotions would be cool too. :)

Edit: I noticed currently the textbox is a different length depending on the length of the message. Maybe this could be addressed too by having a standard size box.
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Hey, Ozzy47 if you have a moment could you help with the single to multi-textbox / textarea for the Forum Live Feed Block.

Cheers, :)
I don't know if video is ever something we'll take the time to implement, but we'll take multi-line and "Moods" into consideration :)
Thanks Fillip H., I was thinking that this may not receive any more feature updates for a long time.
I am playing around with the code but you know I could just stick my finger in a light bulb socket and I may get the same result.

mulit line Live Feed.jpg

I am looking at this...
<input type="text" style="width:95%" data-contentid="" data-contenttypeid="" data-command="status" name="livewall_textfield" class="primary textbox">

and trying something like this...

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="....." id=".....{vb:var .....}" rows="0" cols="60" tabindex="1" style="width:95%;"></textarea>
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Open the template dbtech_livewall_block_entries and find this line:

<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="status" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:95%" />

And Replace it with this:

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="status" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:95%"></textarea>

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How do I ? Apply this to the the other areas?
Starting with the Forum Live feed page which template to change?

I looking to start with the
Enable Inline Comments
Inline comments allows users to quickly comment on stories as they appear on the Wall
Hey Ozzy47 if your around and have time.
Cheers, :)
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Okay I have this by using your example and applying it to the

<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:100%" />

Change to

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:100%"></textarea>

This works but does anyone know how to get the box to go all the way across the screen?
so that all the boxes will be the same length.

or better yet it would be nice to have everything stay to the left half
of the screen but the same size.

Yeah I know this is under consideration but this request started in February and in my option I don't think this mod was done. :p I know dbtech needed to move on but I just do not want to wait anymore. Maybe some of the members here would like to work together on this...;) until there is an update.
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For the livewall page, open the template, dbtech_livewall_entry and find:

<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:100%" />

And replace it with the following:

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:[COLOR="#FF0000"]350[/COLOR]px;"></textarea>

You can change the 350px to any value you want, it used to be set at 100% but IMO it looks better all the same size.


Let me know if their is anywhere else ya need it done.
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Here is the Enable Inline Comments (Sidebar)

<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:93%" />

change to

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:93%"></textarea>
For the livewall page, open the template, dbtech_livewall_entry and find:

<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:100%" />

And replace it with the following:

<textarea class="primary textbox" name="livewall_textfield" data-command="comment" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}" style="width:[COLOR=#FF0000]350[/COLOR]px;"></textarea>

You can change the 350px to any value you want, it used to be set at 100% but IMO it looks better all the same size.

View attachment 2593

Let me know if their is anywhere else ya need it done.

How about the comments?
Ok I think you are talking about the actual comments that are added.


If so in the template, dbtech_livewall_comment find:
<div class="blockrow smallfont" style="display:{vb:raw entry.display}" name="livewall_commentwrapper" data-commentid="{vb:raw entry.commentid}">

And change it to this:
<div class="blockrow smallfont" style="display:{vb:raw entry.display}; width: [COLOR="#FF0000"]350[/COLOR]px;" name="livewall_commentwrapper" data-commentid="{vb:raw entry.commentid}">

Again you can change 350px to any value you want.
Rep Ozzy47 :D
rep Ozzy47.jpg

This looks and behaves a lot better.
Now just what to do with the other side of the screen! :D
Ozzy47 Since I started this thread originally can we change the name to
Feed the Multiple-Line Text Box it's Hungry
LOL Yes I could.

I was thinking about adding an image or background to fill up the remaining area.
Okay How do I? How did you do it?
In the template, dbtech_livewall_entry right after this line:
<div class="blockrow smallfont" style="display:{vb:raw entry.display}; padding-top:6px" name="livewall_entrywrapper" data-contenttypeid="{vb:raw entry.contenttypeid}" data-contentid="{vb:raw entry.contentid}">

Add something like this:
<img src="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/[COLOR="#FF0000"]dbtech/vbdonate/images[/COLOR]/[COLOR="#0000CD"]my_image.png[/COLOR]" [COLOR="#FF0000"]width="150px" height="75px"[/COLOR] style="float:right;" />

dbtech/vbdonate/images is the location of the image, so adjust accordingly.

my_image.png is the image name.

width="150px" height="75px" is setting the height and width of the image, so adjust accordingly.
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