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When trying to run the scheduled task for paychecks, these errors occur and no paychecks are being sent.

Warning: include_once([path]/./includes/cron/credits_pay.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/admincp/cronadmin.php on line 113

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '[path]/./includes/cron/credits_pay.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [path]/admincp/cronadmin.php on line 113
I see the file that is missing from my install /includes/cron/credits_pay.php but it is also missing from my download files in the client area for VBCredits II Deluxe Pro.
That addon was made for the old vbcredits 1.x versions and should be uninstalled from your products listing when using vbcredits II.
Ok, the paychecks aren't going out to any usergroups right now. If I uninstall this product, how do I get the paychecks to go out with vbcredits II?
I believe a paycheck functionality is already built-in. If you look in vBCredits Action Options you'll see there's a setting for Paycheck Interval.

In the "Install Modular Actions" interface, there's a Paycheck action as well. You can then click "Events" and then click "Paycheck" to set what usergroups should receive a paycheck.

Hope that helps :)
Technically the old addon should still continue to work if you keep the default settings, but the credits_pay.php file is with that addon, not vBCredits II (and I dont know if you would be able to download it again from anywhere presently, myself inluded :-/)
I believe a paycheck functionality is already built-in. If you look in vBCredits Action Options you'll see there's a setting for Paycheck Interval.

In the "Install Modular Actions" interface, there's a Paycheck action as well. You can then click "Events" and then click "Paycheck" to set what usergroups should receive a paycheck.

Hope that helps :)
Thank you, I actually have paycheck events set up. I didn't notice that the old credits file was still around until the paychecks didn't process and I tried to find out why.

Here is a screenshot of my configured actions and the detailed options for one of the paychecks. Under the Action Specific Configuration paycheck interval is set to 1 and the reference date is 2011-01-01.

I am unable to find the "Install Modular Actions" interface, where is that located?
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That all looks fine, and the Modular Actions screen is only shown during debug mode :D it has nothing useful for users who arent developers coding up a new integration with vbcredits.

at any rate, your paychecks look fine, but the users will get them upon logging (including any they missed if they were gone for long periods). again, the old credits_pay.php file was from a legacy addon which doesnt apply any longer. if you have a vb addon installed which is trying to call that file, you should uninstall it.
Paycheck Action Configuration

I am trying to set up my paychecks actions for each different usergroup on my site to occur at the first of the month for each user.

Seems simple enough but in the two months that I've had the mod running I haven't been able to achieve this. Only some members are getting their paychecks and I don't understand the system's method for picking who's getting them and who's not. Some members are even getting double paid.

It's not tied to a usergroup - within a single usergroup some members are getting paid, some aren't, and some get the double.

If someone could help me with what settings to use so that every member of my site receives their paycheck according to usergroup at the same time every month and only once a month I'd appreciate it.
Originally vBCredits awarded paychecks on a cron basis, but this is not feasible for communities with large amounts of members, so it was switched to an individually-triggered process.

Basically, when you log into the forum, the system checks if you passed any threshholds for the paycheck action since you were last logged in, and backpays you for them. If you missed more than one round, you get them at once because the paycheck action has no conditions attached to it (Unlike the activity action).

So the results would look like those users who haven't logged in since the threshold wont get their paycheck, those who login regularly would get it on time, and those who only visit occasionally will get multiple ones corresponding to the ones they otherwise missed.

The important thing to remember is that the net result is active users will be current with their number of paychecks received :)
Ok makes sense, however I have a couple of active members who log on daily who are reporting that they haven't gotten paid. What is the threshold it checks?
See your action specific configuration from the vbcredits menu in the admincp.

The thresholds are every [paycheck interval days] before/on/after the [paycheck reference date]. You may alter both to your whim.
Ok - I've double checked all settings and they are in line.

This still doesn't answer why members in the same usergroup who *are* active are not getting paid, while other members in that group are getting paid as they should.

Since it is singling out members of the group and I've verified they are active, both logging on and posting etc, to not get a paycheck, while others doing the same actions are getting paid that does not make sense. If it was across the board a usergroup not getting paid, or if the members in question were not active, then this would make sense. Neither of those scenarios apply here.

I am willing to PM you my log in access to look at our settings if you want to double check the settings yourself - I would just really like to solve this issue for our community.
Go ahead and send an admin login and ftp access. To facilitate verification, you might want to set the interval to daily until you are satisfied it is working.
Inconsistent Paycheck Issues Continued

We reported several weeks ago that we were experiencing highly inconsistent results with the Paycheck actions.

We still have members of various groups not getting paid according to the settings I've put in. I want members to receive a paycheck amount decided by their usergroup once every 30 days.

I have the action set to occur/check daily. The frequency is set to 1, the maximum times is 1 limited to 2592000 seconds (30) days.

We would appreciate it if someone could look into our board/settings to see why we are unable to achieve more reliable results with paychecks. All other action types are working splendidly it's only paychecks we are having such an issue with.
Those members need to log in to get their paychecks - they dont happen boardwide on a timer as it would crash sites with many users.

nm - you already answered this in your other thread.
If you did look into it, we never received any feedback about the issue from you. All the info provided should still be accurate.
Okay, i cant look into it right this moment, but you could post a screenshot of your paycheck event expanded, and the timing config you are using
Thank you DarkWaltz.


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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

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