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Well, I finally got it so it's not bringing my server to its knees but now it's not refreshing unless I type something in. I have the refresh set at 5 seconds, but again unless I type something nothing appears. When I DO type something in everything that had been typed appears magically.
I can't seem to replicate this, but it might be best to just wait for the performance update rather than spend hours trying to track this down when it most likely will go away in 2-3 weeks when the update is out ;)
Out of interest though, can you go through every setting you have in the Feature Options setting group? Maybe something apparent will reveal itself.
Are you sure you're not idled?

If you are on idle then nothing will appear until you un-idle yourself - by for example typing =)
No I'm not idle. Sheesh!

(Okay, I've posted about some dumb things I've done so it's a valid question. Just took a hit to my overinflated pride.)

And Fillip H., if you want I'll just give you temp admin access to look at it. But at this point it's not that big of a deal.
He didn't mean any offence, sorry :(
You know how tech support goes, we have to ask if the computer is plugged in before we ask you to tamper with your router ;)
What Bel said - need to rule out the simple stuff before assuming it's something more complex.

I was a computer technician for a while, so it's an old habit. Didn't mean to suggest anything by it, sorry!

You misunderstand. I was kidding. I freaking love you guys.

It's not that big of a deal because of the new version coming.

Sorry I wasn't clear. As long as you guys keep putting out hacks I'll keep buying them.
Dammit, I blame Fillip H. for that!

See i thought you were kidding, thats why i didn't reply. Then he makes that post and im like "oh shit maybe he was serious" so *I* Make a serious reply.

Damned Norwegians -.-

*shakes fist at Fillip H.*
Dammit, I blame Fillip H. for that!

See i thought you were kidding, thats why i didn't reply. Then he makes that post and im like "oh shit maybe he was serious" so *I* Make a serious reply.

Damned Norwegians -.-

*shakes fist at Fillip H.*

* Your skill in Throwing People Under the Bus has increased by 1.

* Your skill in Throwing People Under the Bus has increased by 1.


Cosmic levels up!

Cosmic is now level 79 in Throwing People Under the Bus

Cosmic gained new skill: Throwing People Under the Train

Cosmic's Throwing power went up by 3!
A new challenger appears!

Old Man with Walker!

He uses Get Off My Lawn!


Young Punk accepts the challenge of Old Man with Walker!

Young Punk uses the power of Ben-Gay Allurement

Old Man with Walker is confused, -1 DEX, -2 INT, -5 CHR
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