I have downloaded both versions and the files inside are intact.

Make sure when you save the download you save it as a .zip

If it does not have the extention .zip it will not open properly.

The saved file should look something like this: vB Optimise Pro v2.3.0 [L.VBO.LIFE.185JZZY9M4].zip
I try to download Produkt vB Optimise, but I can not show me a single file
You have bought the Branding Free licence for vB Optimise, which you can enter in your AdminCP under "Misc Settings" :)

Provides Branding Free for vB Optimise Pro.

Does not contain the product itself, only a licence to remove branding from the product.

Please contact Cosmic if you wish to change the Branding Free licence over to an actual product licence :)
Does not show me this way?

vB Optimise Pro v2.3.0 [L.VBO.LIFE.185JZZY9M4]. Dhib

Appears in this way?

Branding_Free_vBOptimise_ [L.BRAND.VBO.3721JI2YOQG]
Does not show me this way?

vB Optimise Pro v2.3.0 [L.VBO.LIFE.185JZZY9M4]. Dhib

Appears in this way?

Branding_Free_vBOptimise_ [L.BRAND.VBO.3721JI2YOQG]

Like Fillip H. said you only purchased the branding free, not the actual license, Please contact @Cosmic if you wish to change the Branding Free licence over to an actual product licence

After downloading vB Optimise Pro Shows only one file? On behalf of vB Optimise Pro v2.3.0 [L.VBO.1YEAR.php

Why are not taken to downloading the entire file? Do I have to approve the purchase?

Thank you
Please try another browser or extraction program, I just tested that exact download and it gave me a zip file with all the correct files inside :)

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