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This would have to be the best idea I've had in a while :)

Site donations are cool, but I'd like to suggest an extension to this idea. Member donations.

It would work similar to how handles the "Support Developer" - Click on support developer [DBTech] vB Optimise v2 (vB4) - Forum

1. It would have a similar usercp set up like Forum
2. User group permissions. Set which user groups can enable Member Donations.
3. Integrate it into the footer where you have
Contribute. Make it work as a pop up like on
4. Have a member contribution stats page. This page will outline which members have received donations, and how much they have received and when, and have it ordered from highest to lowest.

Why? Because if I enable this feature on a certain user group it will 1. Entice people to join that usergroup. 2. Make people want to contribute more and improved content. Overall this feature will make the community more active, and that is a win win. :)
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I suppose thats very dependant on what sort of site you have.I don't really understand why members would contribute to each other without having something of worth to start off with.
Good Idea for some sites though..
To be honest that would require quite a bit of doing.

I never tried the support developer on but I would assume they somehow collect the contributions for the developer, then sent the developer the money.

If it is not done that way and the contribution goes directly to the developer, there is a couple of issues with that.
1) It would require the member to provide you with his paypal email address and trust that that information is kept secure.
2) I don't think it would be possible to auto confirm the contribution, when someone contributes, PayPal sends a pingback to the person getting the money and that is what I use to auto confirm, I don't know if I can intercept that info before it goes to the person getting the money.
3) If the above can't be worked out, then it would be up to the individual to confirm the contributions manually, thus needing to give them admin rights to the front end of the mod.

I am sure there is some other things that could go wrong but that's quick off the top of my head, maybe Cosmic can take a look at this thread and give his opinion.
Take a look at the links I posted. The usercp at gives you an area to input your paypal. The payment would go direct to the paypal account. No need for site owner to approve or do any forward payments. Cosmic can confirm.
OK then the issue would still remain on how to handle the confirming of the contributions, like I said I don't know if I could intercept the ping from PayPal after a payment has been made to a member to auto confirm the transaction, but it's possible.

Like I said this would be a big feature, and require some extensive testing before it was ever to be implemented.

3. Integrate it into the footer where you have Contribute.

Maybe one option would be to have the Contribute for each member on the post if they have entered their paypal info.

In other word...just use the Contribute button.

Would need usergroup permissions.

Yes, Ozzy47 it's a big feature and I would think it would need to be in the Pro Version down the road in development.
To be honest it strikes me as slightly outside of the scope of vBDonate - vBDonate is based around coming up with ways to get your members to contribute to your site, and reward them for doing so.

The entire aim of a mod like this would be completely different and it would severely split focus and dev time from the primary purpose of vBDonate - especially bad when it's a feature most forums won't make use of.

As a standalone mod I think it's an intriguing idea, as a feature addition to vBDonate I think it's just too big of a feature with too different a focus from the main mod to be honest.

That's about what I was thinking, I could see turning vBDonate into a standalone mod like that, as probably about 50% of the framework would be similar. Maybe I can do that once I get vBDonate all sorted out and vBNavTabs finished I can see what would need to be done to accomplish that, but no promises. ;)
That's about what I was thinking, I could see turning vBDonate into a standalone mod like that, as probably about 50% of the framework would be similar. Maybe I can do that once I get vBDonate all sorted out and vBNavTabs finished I can see what would need to be done to accomplish that, but no promises. ;)

Yeah, that's why I suggested it here. I thought most of the framework would be in place, and this could be a nice pro feature.
Cosmic It doesnt have to be overly complicated, something like 1. Usergroup permission 2. Usercp option to input paypal email 3. Show the link in footer. 4. Have a stats page.

Site donation and member donations tie in nice together. :) think it over with a scotch ^^
But the basic framework is there, but it would require quite a bit of changes, including db insertion, how members control donations made to them and displayed and such.

So by changing enough of the code to accomplish that basically is re writing at minimum 45% of it, thus making it it's own mod.
Yeah it might only seem like a small change but the problem is the backend would be much more significant. In addition to that it'd mean lots of feature requests to expand that side of it - it wouldn't stay small and simple for long :P. That means that features to make the actual primary purpose better would take longer and could get pushed back by feature requests for the member to member donation stuff which most users wouldn't need.

If it's a standalone mod all of that can be scheduled and budgeted for independently and vBDonate gets to focus on encouraging members to donate to the forum itself ^.^
Yeah it might only seem like a small change but the problem is the backend would be much more significant. In addition to that it'd mean lots of feature requests to expand that side of it - it wouldn't stay small and simple for long :P. That means that features to make the actual primary purpose better would take longer and could get pushed back by feature requests for the member to member donation stuff which most users wouldn't need.

If it's a standalone mod all of that can be scheduled and budgeted for independently and vBDonate gets to focus on encouraging members to donate to the forum itself ^.^

If you can picture it becoming a complex hack that can stand alone and have good pro/lite features, than sure. However as it stands, I can't see this being any more than what it really needs to be. A simple function to allow certain users/usergroups the ability to input their paypal email in their usercp, which then gives a donation link in the users postbit (the only extra thing I could think of was a history/stats page, but nothing too complex there either). (maybe I am biased as i'd like to get it with vbdonate lol)
donating member to member, donate reason, donation posted in thread donation was initiated from, donation receipts, mass donate (e.g by the forum to a usergroup), Donation log, Method of verifying donations (e.g both members insert a transaction ID from paypal or something similar)...

That's off the top of my head some of the different features I could see being implemented ^.^
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