Question Managing category & sub category becoming complex now

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Can you create a feature request to change it? On the next version I planned on changing the layout on the display and category picker to it shows parent/child relationships better. Good to have a feature request to remind me though :)
when we can expect your future release & we are really in trouble with your downloads now & if you don't do soon we will be trashing it
when we can expect your future release & we are really in trouble with your downloads now & if you don't do soon we will be trashing it

We don't make/release plans more than 1 schedule block ahead. All I can tell you is it's not what Dylan will be working on in the next 4-6weeks, beyond that I couldn't say just now. If that'll be too long you may want to look for an alternative.

not fare answer though since we expect product work according to the website but its not true in vbdownloads case
not fare answer though since we expect product work according to the website but its not true in vbdownloads case

In this case the feature is working fine, it could simply be designed better and we plan to do that in future. I'm not sure I agree that us not making the changes/improvements you would like immediately is unfair.

The product itself is also working fine in general - as with any software there may be bugs in individual features here and there, but in no way does that mean the product doesn't work - if that was the case you could try to get a refund for any game or software that has ever released a patch fixing bugs =).

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