
Just joined your forum because I just discovered your mailing list mod, vBmail, at vBulletin.org. We're in Hertfordshire UK: You seem to be based in Glasgow UK, the other partner in my business was born in East Kilbride and we still have family up there in the rain and the midgies ;).

I was put off mods a couple of years ago because I tried some and either they didn't work, the developers provided no support (even if they were paid) or they didn't work with the latest version of vBulletin.

We're using vBulletin 4.2.0 and you seem to update your mods on a regular basis. I'd be interested to know which mods you intend to update for vB5. Apologies if I haven't spotted that thread yet.
We don't have a full list of mods we intend to update as a lot of mods depend on a few things being fixed in vB5 between now and release - some of the changes would be quite significant and it's not 100% when they will be done. We plan on updating every mod that would be relevant though. Some mods may be replicating default vB5 functionality and those wouldn't be ported. All other mods will be ported where possible :)

Currently vBShout has been ported and Advanced Post Thanks/Like is being worked on. We'll likely make an announcement about what mods won't be ported once vB5 goes gold.

I know EK pretty well, i'm from the south side myself (Penilee, next to Paisley).

Welcome jdj, to
hope you enjoy your stay, if you need anything feel free to ask one of the staff members by posting in the proper forum. :cool:
We don't have a full list of mods we intend to update as a lot of mods depend on a few things being fixed in vB5 between now and release - some of the changes would be quite significant and it's not 100% when they will be done. We plan on updating every mod that would be relevant though. Some mods may be replicating default vB5 functionality and those wouldn't be ported. All other mods will be ported where possible :)

Currently vBShout has been ported and Advanced Post Thanks/Like is being worked on. We'll likely make an announcement about what mods won't be ported once vB5 goes gold.

I know EK pretty well, i'm from the south side myself (Penilee, next to Paisley).


My brother in law and his family live in Eaglesham...which appears to me to be about to be eaten by EK. My mother in law still lives in EK and the kids like visiting. The kids like EK because they can walk into town easily and there's a great ice rink, plus a covered shopping centre free of midgies and rain.

Pleased to hear that APTL is being worked on as now I've got my head around it it looks like a good mod. vBMail looks good to me too although the other admins on our site still seem intent on using MailChimp at present. I appreciate that if vB5 core functionality looks to be doing something that one of the mods does then there's no point in updating the mod.