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I realise this is an issue with gameroom but since game rooms developer isn
't around much I am hoping that you can help

Game Room is supposed to work with vb credits by using the word credits in the cash field, however I and others are getting this error when attempting to add a new user via the admincp I had thought that I worked around it when I updated and reactivated vbcredits, but alass it is not fixed now.
other than this credits seem to be working fine with game room.
Fatal error: Field gameroom_cash is not defined in $validfields in class vB_DataManager_User in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 515
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Field gameroom_cash is not defined in $validfields in class vB_DataManager_User,

The full error is a long page I can upload as a text if needed. I supose I can work arround this each time before i need to use the function by disabling gameroom but I just don't like seeing errors and since this add on deducts crackers I want to be sure it is working correct.
Do you still get the error when vBCredits is disabled? If so, I'm not sure I should be giving support for someone else's addon :-/
Yes, I do get the error with vbcredits disabled, the issue started with 4.04 and one person says that Andrew told them to disable one of the plug ins for it and it cured the problem. I would not ask you except the original developer has disappeared and it has a direct impact on your add ons. I need to be able to use a separate currency that can not be exchanged for money for all gambling gameroom and vbookie.
I don't know what happened to Andrew he started this great add on and then just disappeared last fall, I was actually surprised when he appeared to give the 4.0 version in April, but since then he has been gone again. I have the pro version that was 45.00 but unfortunately it seems he lost interest or is unable to continue development. This software is really cool and with some dressing up of the graphics and speeding up the poker games could be really sweet. However I am happy to continue using it as it is till someone else makes something better and then Ill buy it. It seems to function correctly right now the only problem I have seen is that it causes that admincp error when adding a new user because the gameroom cash field is still there, were previously the vbcredit cash field was on the same page. The part I don't like is that it has the ability to manage credits specify earnings and do transfers, I want to be sure those property's do not interfere with the newer vbcredits. I can always just disable it when I need to use the admin cp to add a user, it does not seem to affect altering current users, I think it is just something that gives new users starting cash and the vbcash field is no longer there. If you would like to have a look the log on info I gave you before is still valid.
Thank you very much Dark
Try adding this plugin:

Product: vBulletin
Hook Location: userdata_start
Title: Gameroom User Fix
Execution Order: 1
Plugin PHP Code: $this->validfields['gameroom_cash'] = array(TYPE_NUM, REQ_NO);
Plugin is Active: Yes
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