Bug Inplace upgrade from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 resulted in /a/a for every forum!

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Got a bit of a major issue, I upgraded from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 and it resulted in every forum URL breaking.



Where's it use to be:


this http://digiex.net/general-discussions/gaming-hangout/
became: http://digiex.net/a/a/

And as every forum became /a/a etc it meant forum ID 1 was used and none of the other forums usable

I've closed Port 80 while I try to resolve. But if you have any ideas please speak out :S

No settings changed.
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Managed to do an inplace downgrade to 1.0.6.

Can we please arrange some testing/debug of 1.0.9? Some major bug got introduced somewhere and skipped past testing :/
I know Apache is tested from our previous discussions, but an IIS installation is really easy on a windows computer and would help fix any IIS specific issues that seem to arise on new releases, it's included in the box on Windows 7/8 Pro.
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This has been reported and will be fixed for v1.0.10 due to release tonight Midnight BST :)

It only happens in a very specific set of circumstances, which is why it slipped past testing. It's also completely unrelated to the web server in question.
I got caught by the same problem after upgrading from 1.0.8 to 1.0.9.

I am looking forward to the fix, in the mean-time I have reverted back to 1.0.8.
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