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Dear Sir,
I just buy vBactiviaty Pro when I download I didn't have nay images like activity status bar ?
Is i have to buy that separately?
Please ensure you didn't check the "exclude images" checkbox, and also try using another extraction program.
Yes I double check my download package don't have any image pack
could you please check this issue
cos of that now I uninstalled from my site
Yes I double check my download package don't have any image pack
could you please check this issue
cos of that now I uninstalled from my site
I see the issue, it's been fixed :)
Please re-download and re-upload (and, apparently, re-install) and it'll work fine.

also my website Thanks/Like is always not expand
How I can set default always expand?
In template dbtech_thanks_postbit replace the relevant line with:
<dl id="c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" style="display:none;"> (vB4)
<div id="collapseobj_$post[thankspostid]" style="display:none;"> (vB3)
I try but cannot success

here is the code on that template

<dd class="collapse" style="font-weight:bold;">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_stats} <a class="collapse" id="collapse_c_post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top" style="position:relative; top:0px; right:0px; float:none;" ><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" alt="" /></a></dd>
<dl id="c_thanks_post{vb:raw post.postid}" style="display:none;">
I want always expand like this forum
I don't want collapse
could you give me which code I have to replace
Oh you want always expand, then remove "display:none".

Also, there was a problem with the vBA zip again, but I fixed it now for good.
After installing vBactivity Pro all my user signature BB code not valid not work
My forum have installed vbseo
any idea? where I can fix this issue
Try running the Rebuild Signature Cache from vBulletin's maintenance area. If that doesn't work, please ask in the vBSEO support forums because vBActivity does not interfere with signatures or BBCode at all.
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