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I have installed and vBActivity Awards, when the same active get no private messages.
Already reinstalled the program and I can not address this situation, what can I do?
Can you please clarify, I don't understand what's the problem. Someone is not receiving PMs?

when I have vbactivity activated if it receives a token it does not open, or take me to a blank page, deactivate everything is correct.
I tried several systems installed and this is one that originated at this time is off by virtue of cutting the mp in the forum.

Grateful for a solution

Your posts appear to be translated by Google Translate or something, I don't understand what you're asking, sorry.
Bom Dia.

O que se passa é, quando tenho o vbactivity activo no forum não se consegue abrir as mp's, quando tento ler alguma sou levado para uma pagina em branco. quando desactivo o vbactivity tudo volta ao normal.
O que pode ser para que aconteça esta situação.

What it is transferred is, when I have vbactivity active in the forum is not obtained to open mp's, when I try to read some I am led for a blank page. when I disconnect vbactivity all return to the normal one.
What it can be so that happens this situation.
Can you give us a link to your site. And turn on activity mod so we can look for our self.

Also give us the link where the problem starts.
here it is our address

to another question already sending.

I have one skin in my forum but it is not the original, also is not loading the images of the conquests, I have to load vbactivity for the interior of the folder of skin?
No you dont have to put the pictures in you style file. Activity mod got its own picture file.
If got 2 skins on my forum running and no problems with activity mod.

What you have to do is. You have made some Achievements plz put them back. Its causing a problem in the postbit because the achievements are deleted.

Thats the only problem i can find.
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