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Hi .. :)

We're using Memcache and this setting was at 3600 as a default when we installed vB Optimise 3.2.0....

vB Optimise: Global Cache TTL
On large sites, the data cached may begin to amount to a large size. To help maintain a limitation on this, vB Optimise can use the built-in TTL ("Time To Live") for your selected extension with the seconds specified here.

This is helpful especially towards extensions which do not "delete" data when Flushed, but simply flag them as expired.
The default setting is 3600, which equals one hour. To disable this setting simply enter 0.

I notice that when checking our site using Pingdom tools HTTP remote check, that the "Response Time" report seems to show an increase one hour, followed by a decrease the next hour and then back up (increase) the following hour etc.

In other words, it looks something like the pic attached....

If 3600 = 1 hour, is it possible that setting is causing the cache to flush out every hour, which means it starts over for the following hour?

I've temporarily set t at 7200 (2 hours?) to see what happens ....

We don't have a large site, so could I turn this OFF altogether (set to 0)?

Thanks ...



  • Screen shot 2011-03-14 at 2.02.21 PM.png
    Screen shot 2011-03-14 at 2.02.21 PM.png
    23.8 KB · Views: 0
You could turn it off yeah, though I'm not sure if it'll have any side effects. Try it out and see if you notice anything acting weird :)
No, the only thing that could happen is things like forum name changes or somesuch might not show as updated for everybody.
No, the only thing that could happen is things like forum name changes or somesuch might not show as updated for everybody.

Roger that .. :D

I've had it at 7200 overnight and I was actually thinking this morning when analyzing the response times, that it appears a bit slower than at 3600. Is that possible?

Perhaps it was just the Internet being slower around the world overnight, as we use Pingdom tools for checking response time, which accesses our servers from cities all over the world and gives us high, low and averages etc.

Fillip, is their a reason that we're seeing such an improvement in performance, even from a smaller forum such as ours. Based upon your public posts about what it does, I didn't expect a huge bump, however, our improvement using Memcache with vB Optimise 2.3.0 is dramatic and worth the investment.

If you want, feel free to add our site to your public display of data savings, as well as use us in testimonials.

I don't know whether it's the internet itself or what that caused the difference, sorry :(

Could leave it like that another day and see if the same results occur.

Memcache or other RAM-based caching systems really do improve performance, the less you have to query the database the better :)

Thanks for the offer :D
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