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Hello Guys. Wow is this thing cool looking! Older version user here. Have a few questions.

So, I can change the credits/ points to whatever I need correct? Like for example... we want earnings (for a race site) and cash!

Members can get cash from forum activities and earnings from races online. Can an Admin be like the head banker with unlimited amounts of points/ credits. I guess what I'm asking is can there be a head banker? So, he can disperse winnings?

Example... say we have a contest and the winner gets 100,000 credits
2nd place gets 75,000 credits.

Can a admin have unlimited credits/ be the banker?

Using the adjust action, designated staff can give currency to other users without using their own account. After you set up a simple event with it, you can find it on the currency popup (click any currency amount on any display around your forum). If you need more specific help with this feature let me know!
Hey, also one more quick question. How do I get the VB Shop and VB Credits to work together? Right now there's like cash for the vb shop and cash for the credits. Is there a way to make them both one so users will not get confused? Or how do some do it? Instructions were great. But I don't see any examples anywhere :p

Thanks again
In the vbshop settings you can change the points column to credits (assuming you kept the default from vbcredits).
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