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I have Image Resizer - Using nCode Script mod installed, and that mod resize images in posts, but after I install new version of your Thanks/Like Mod, somewhere javascript (I think) figth between Thanks mod and image resize mod.

Images have bar on the top, and when you click on bar, image resize to original size.
When user click on Thanks/Like button, beside user have Thanked/Liked for that post, all images in that post are show original size, such we click on images too.

Click on Thanks buttons have effect like we click on images in that post too.

This bug show immediately after update to new version (2.0.3), on older version there is not such bug.

Please help, because is very irritating for my users to not have possibilitypress Thanks/Like.

If you need, I can give you on PM temporary Admin account on my forum
Unfortunately that is not possible to fix :(

The reason why this is happening is that whenever you click on an APTL button, the entire post refreshes. The nCode script does not check for "new" images (which, to a browser, the refreshed post would be) and as such cannot resize images that are "reloaded" by APTL.

It may be possible to fix on their end with some code changes (jQuery has functions that let you watch for new images automatically, fixing the issue, but I don't know what JS framework the nCode resizer is coded in), however it is impossible from my end.

Sorry :(
Unfortunately that is not possible to fix :(

The reason why this is happening is that whenever you click on an APTL button, the entire post refreshes.

Sorry, but when you click on an APTL button in previous versions entire post did not refresh.

It is confuzing because v2.0.2 work OK, and this one 2.0.3 not.

Please respond

I will ask this alson on vB foum, maybe someone will respond too.
All versions of the 2.x series of APTL has used the full refresh method, and there were zero code changes between 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 except for navigation related stuff :)
So it is allways wrong another mod or customer on the end...

Fact is that on version 2.0.2 everything work OK, and when I install v 2.0.3 it fight somewhere with another mod.
You say that nothing relevant is changed, but fact is that something is not like it should be.
I opened a file comparison between the two versions and I could find nothing regarding the method of handling button clicks had changed, the code is 100% identical :(

Did you maybe update their mod as well?
No, I do not. Yesterday I update just APTL to newest version and that is all.
This is very irritating bug because on my forum APTL is widely used, and many post have picture in it.

Do you want temporary Admin account to send you in PM?
I'll also need FTP information :)

I can't promise I can fix it, since the issue lies with another mod, but I'll try :)
I downgraded to v2.0.2 and it did not change anything, the image still displays its full version when clicking Thanks :)
Update: I took a look at the image resizer script to see if I would be able to fix it for you, but unfortunately it was coded in a manner that renders me unable to fix it without potentially having to re-write the entire script :(
You left installed v2.0.2 and when I clean up cache of browser and try click on button, images in posts do not resize.

So it is problem in APTL mod v 2.0.3 at all.
What browser and version are you using? I'll attempt to replicate this in as close to your environment as possible.
If its any help Sunka I use SevenSkins Image Resizer along side ATPL which works fine, I'm not sure of the difference between nCode's product but this may help solve your issue.
Ended with installing other MOD for image resize in post.
Now using Highdlide for resizing pictures, but that is just temporary fix. I am not satisfied with this solution, and still asking for help and fix

Another bug with this APTL mod is deleting Pinterest icon (Pinterest Sharing System by BOP5) when click on button for Thanks/like.
So if you have Pinterest Mod from BirdOfPray5 installed, you have Pinterest icon in post and when user click to give Thanks/Like, that Pinterest icon disappear form post.

This is strange too and it is only start to happen with this latest (v2.0.3) version of Mod. It is another bug/divergence with another Mods. It is strange because previous versions work OK.
And what should we do now. Will this post and bugs fall into oblivion?

Another regret is for your behavior. I have paid for your Mod, so I am customer. Normal behavior for company is to listen their customers and help them when there is problem.

Every time when I come on this forum ask for help, it not given on begining. Always is another mod wrong, or vBulletin core files is wrong, or I (customer) do not know/understand something...
I almost must to beg for help. Pity is that you give faster help on forums than here, because on your posts and bugs see prospective customers. here do not.

You have good Mods guys, I admit it, but you miss the relationship with customers and tact in the managing of bussines.
Customer is god, not you.
Ended with installing other MOD for image resize in post.
Now using Highdlide for resizing pictures, but that is just temporary fix. I am not satisfied with this solution, and still asking for help and fix
I'm a bit confused, if another image resizer mod works, then I'm not sure I see how it still can be a bug in APTL that I can fix for you?

Unfortunately our support services don't entail re-writing significant portions of other modifications to make them compatible with ours :(

Another bug with this APTL mod is deleting Pinterest icon (Pinterest Sharing System by BOP5) when click on button for Thanks/like.
So if you have Pinterest Mod from BirdOfPray5 installed, you have Pinterest icon in post and when user click to give Thanks/Like, that Pinterest icon disappear form post.
This can happen if a mod has not integrated itself with the "show post" script (showpost.php).

Many of our mods such as vBActivity & Awards had to get this compatibility update applied, but since the usage of that file is largely defunct in vB4, not many mod authors bothers adding support for it.

vBCMS and vBBlog has support for it, though :)

At this time there's no way to work around these issues without significantly re-writing the way APTL works, which is not something we can do straight away :(

You can ask BOP to integrate with showpost.php and it will work, however :)

This is strange too and it is only start to happen with this latest (v2.0.3) version of Mod. It is another bug/divergence with another Mods. It is strange because previous versions work OK.
This, too, is an issue that will have happened with ALL of the v2.0 branch of the mod, and maybe even further back than that.

Another regret is for your behavior. I have paid for your Mod, so I am customer. Normal behavior for company is to listen their customers and help them when there is problem.
Respectfully, I disagree with you that I have not helped you with this issue.

Right off the bat I pointed out exactly why the issue was happening and why I could not fix it (the issue was, as you yourself found out, with the Image Resizer mod you were using) and the issue could have been resolved right there.

After you claimed the issue was present in the previous version of the mod, I launched a file comparison between the v2.0.2 download, and v2.0.3 download (just in case I had missed any changes) and let you know that the code had not changed.

I admit that I shouldn't have waited for you to request me to go to your site, and for that I apologise. However, please bear in mind that in my head, the issue you were describing ("v2.0.2 and v2.0.3 made changes that broke this") was literally impossible from my PoV (the actual code itself showed that no such change had been made), and I found it strange that you did not accept my judgement on this matter.

I gain nothing from lying to you and saying that no changes were made if changes were made. In fact, I would only be causing myself more problems, not only because you yourself could launch a file comparison - thus publicly expose me for a liar, but also because someone else would be reporting the same problem and we'd be back to square one.

Know that whenever you or anyone else report a bug, I am probably even more excited than you are at getting it fixed A.S.A.P. - the sooner it's fixed, the less support threads are created about it, and the less customers (or even free Lite users) feel like they're using a broken product.

Every time when I come on this forum ask for help, it not given on begining. Always is another mod wrong, or vBulletin core files is wrong, or I (customer) do not know/understand something...
I almost must to beg for help.
Again, I respectfully disagree that I did not help you from the outset.

Unfortunately, the reality is that sometimes, vBulletin and other mods are at fault. What would you want me to say, if I uncovered a bug in vBulletin or in another mod that made my products not work as intended?

An example of this is vBulletin 4.0.2. That version, and that version alone, won't work correctly with a lot of DBTech products. Why? Because they accidentally changed 1 small block of code that created profile tabs. The result was, no profile tabs showed up for any modification (including their own vB Blog product).

4.0.1 and 4.0.3+ are not affected by this issue. If a customer running 4.0.2 comes to me and says "Your product is broken, the profile tab does not show up!" what would be the correct answer, in your eyes?
My answer would be to ask them wait for 4.0.3 to be released (assuming this report was created when 4.0.2 was the latest version) or to downgrade to 4.0.1, because I cannot fix bugs in vBulletin.

Perhaps not the best example because since the block of code changed was so small, I could easily do a comparison between 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 and identify the broken code, then provide a fix.

My point is, we do not offer support for other mods or vBulletin, so if there's a conflict with another mod that we are not able to resolve from our end (of which there have been a few, to the point where we had to reduce functionality in our vBShout product to work around the conflict) then we will have to tell customers that the problem is with the other mod or with vBulletin and we cannot help.

Sorry if that was a huge ramble that made no sense, I'm not very good at explaining things to others, putting myself in their shoes :(
If you still disagree with me or want a better explanation, simply mention Cosmic - he'll do a much better job of explaining this than I did :)

Pity is that you give faster help on forums than here, because on your posts and bugs see prospective customers. here do not.
Respectfully, that is factually untrue.
I personally check these forums at least once an hour, sometimes even more. I go through support far less frequent than that.
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