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After I uploaded the files to my forum directory, I was unable to access my AdminCP before disabling hooks via config.php. I believe other users are having a similar issue and I raise that here for information only.

Having said that, once I disabled hooks and began the installation process, my installation failed during template merge with the following error:


I checked Administrator privileges and all are enabled.
After I uploaded the files to my forum directory, I was unable to access my AdminCP before disabling hooks via config.php. I believe other users are having a similar issue and I raise that here for information only.

Having said that, once I disabled hooks and began the installation process, my installation failed during template merge with the following error:


I checked Administrator privileges and all are enabled.

Can you check that the uid in question has superadmin privileges? I recall a similar issue before on another mod caused by this - Darkwaltz4 will probably have a better idea of the potential issue, but no harm in ruling this out meantime =)

When vbcredits is disabled and you are not on a superadmin account, the system will be unable to resolve your access to vbcredits (as that is handled by a plugin), even if it was normally enabled.

Switch to a superadmin account.
I'm definitely using a superadmin account. I'm using my account under User ID #1, and all superadmin privileges are enabled under userid 1 in the config.php.

Is it possible that since I'm using a "Founder" account type (a created type with all Admin privileges) it's kicking out? Do I need to create an Administrator account just for this purpose?
Yes, please use the regular admin account - vb does special things with that built in.

I believe our server move is lacking the email configuration. Fillip H. should look into that asap :p
Due to the server move, GMail flags DBTech mails as spam. Check your spam folder, it may have landed there :)
Yes, please use the regular admin account - vb does special things with that built in.

I believe our server move is lacking the email configuration. Fillip H. should look into that asap :p

I haven't had any issues using a "Founder" account until now. Is it not possible to accommodate Admin rights rather than vB's fixed Admin account?

EDIT: I just changed my account to an Administrator account and I get the same error message.
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Would you be willing to give me a similar admin account to try? Probably ftp access as well to see exactly why its tripping on that.
marking as wont fix because the issue is with vb's style system not accepting template merge permissions when plugins are disabled.
i dont know why, but it wont matter because i am making upgrades work without needing to disable the addon first (an unfortunately issue with the current upgrade).

getting the perm error on template merge is fine because it happens after a successful product install/upgrade, so nothing is halted or unfinished at that point, and wont even matter if you have no edited templates from vbcredits.
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