Bug "Add Comment" in firefox v6.0 - No action on Save untill you refresh

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If user is using Firefox v6.0 and try to add a comment and then press save, the comment will not appear until refresh the browser

Users will not understand this issue and they keep pressing save, while actually they are double posting.

This issue with new version of Firefox v6.0

Please fix it

It is something related to code javascript: vBQuiz.add_quiz_comments('')

One more question please

How to disable/moderate comments but keep rating system ON.

Last edited:
I'm having the same problem on my dev system and I'm trying to figure out the problem. Just wanted to let you know I'm working on it and not ignoring you since it's taking a bit :)
I just posted 1.2.2 release which will fix this error, let me know if you have any more problems with it.
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