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Andy Dean

Hi there! Me again! :o

I'm having problems trying to get the shoutbox working correctly on my VBAdvanced Homepage. I've managed to get it displaying no problem but it's not retrieving/posting shouts on the homepage, all i get is: Loading... and Error: Not Found


I know that you dont support VBAdvanced, but i remember a similiar issue with the old infernoshout that was solved by changing the relative paths in the scripts to absolute paths and i was wondering if you could suggest the scripts that would need changing to possibly make it work. Or am i barking up the wrong tree? lol

If you can't help however i understand.

I don't know that we use any relative paths, so unless you can dig up specifics from the ishout days I'm not sure what I can do tbh :(
If it's any help these are the steps i followed to get infernoshout to work on the VBA page:

To get Inferno vBShout to work on the vBAdvanced Portal page, you'll need to run through a couple of steps.

* Firstly, add the portal script to the list of scripts Inferno Shout should load on, in the Inferno vBShout Settings [Page Deployment] (located in vBulletin Options): adv_index

* Secondly, you need to make sure the shoutbox itself is put onto the portal page, if it isn't already, edit the template 'adv_portal' and find: (This step may change. I, for example, placed the code in the navbar template to show on every page)


Underneath this place


and save the template.

* Thirdly, you'll need to get the shoutbox to link to the correct Javascript file, edit the template 'inferno_shoutbox_box' and find:


Before this place your forum URL, for example '', so this code becomes:


Lastly, you'll need to get the JS file to link to the correct PHP files, open up ./infernoshout/browser/infernoshout.js and find several instances of:


In each instance, change this to your site URL, for example:


Once these 4 steps have been completed, the shoutbox should function correctly on all of your vBA Scripts.
Well you can check if the vbshout.js files use absolute or relative paths but I doubt it's that...
Well i've looked through it and can't see anything that needs to be changed, and i've added the complete site URL to other areas but itstill says Error: Not Found on the VBA homepage, other pages are fine :(

I'm a bit out of my depth here and don't know what to do to get it working so i'm just gonna uninstall it and go back to Infernoshout, shame because it's a nice product!

Many thanks for all your help so far Fillip, it really is much appreciated!!! :D
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vBAdvanced has more than one bug that affects it when vBShout is active and they've proven unwilling to assist in fixing it, so there's not really much I can do about this I'm afraid :(

Have you tried using the Firebug extension in Firefox to see if that can provide any additional insight?
Hi Fillip,

After using a different approach i've managed to get it working on the VBAdvanced homepage, rather than changing the paths to scripts i copied the following scripts and folders:


Into the directory that contains the VBAdvanced index.php file

Then, in the vbshout-smiley.js file i changed:

			// Open the smiley window
			this.smilie_window = openWindow('misc.php?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=getsmilies&editorid=' + this.editorid, width, height, 'smilie_window' + this.instanceid);


			// Open the smiley window
			this.smilie_window = openWindow('' + 'do=getsmilies&editorid=' + this.editorid, width, height, 'smilie_window' + this.instanceid);

In order to get the smiley button to work.

It's not the most elegant solution but it's got it running properly on the homepage (including the Active Users block!!!) :)

The only thing i am struggling to fix is the 'Options' link in the Javascript Shoutbox menu, i can see it in the source but can t find it to edit it...

<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="dbtech_vbshout_titlemenu1_menu" style="display:none">
	<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0">
		<td class="thead">XMembers Shoutbox</td>
	<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbshout.php?do=archive&instanceid=1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Archive</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="profile.php?do=dbtech_vbshout_options" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Options</a></td></tr>

	<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbshout.php?do=detach&instanceid=1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Detach</a></td></tr>

Any idea where that code is?
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