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I am using VBShops Lite now and was thinking to upgrade to Pro.

Here are some questions:

1. With pro, can I customised my own shop icon? Under "add new item" -> "shop icon". I want to add in my own gif.

2. How do I know if a customer purchase something? Is there an email notification configuration which can send to my email?

What URL are you using vBShop on? I can't find any references of it being installed on the URL you posted in the issue form.
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It is currently install here.

Front Page - Discuss SG

By the way, i have just bought the two pro version. Some qns:

1. How can I customised my own shop icon? Under "add new item" -> "shop icon". I want to add in my own gif.

2. How do I know if a customer purchase something? Is there an email notification configuration which can send to my email?

3. For VBshop, "manage inventory", when I click delete item, it shows items delete successfully but when I do an update, the item still there.

What is the link to the vBulletin forums on that site, I still can not find ant reference to any DBT mods installed there?

I am using VBShops Lite now and was thinking to upgrade to Pro.

Here are some questions:

1. With pro, can I customised my own shop icon? Under "add new item" -> "shop icon". I want to add in my own gif.

2. How do I know if a customer purchase something? Is there an email notification configuration which can send to my email?


1. You can upload your custom images to /dbtech/vbshop/images/items (Postbit icon, smaller size) and /dbtech/vbshop/images/items/shop (Shop icon, bigger size).

2. There are notification configurations in the item management for the Pro version.
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