Bug Tables in saved as HTML not BBCode in drafts/templates

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If you have a table in your e-mail and you save the content whilst in WYSIWYG mode either as a draft or template then the table bbcode is converted into raw HTML making it uneditable using the vBulletin editor.

If you switch to "Source Mode" (using
) in the editor prior to saving then the bug does not appear.
Are you attempting to save a template using the HTML mode (i.e. including <!DOCTYPE in the email)?
I don't think this is the fault of vBMail, no BBCode parsing is ran other than the standard "convert WYSIWYG to BBCode" functionality.
I've created my own custom pages using CKEditor in VB4 and they don't have the same problem. For some reason in vBMail the BBcode is partially parsed prior to being saved into the database. Just to be sure I've saved exactly the same BBcode in both products and only vBMail produces this bug.

Wish I could be more help. If you want help testing I'd be happy to help.
Could you show me the exact contents of the text you're entering in vBMail as well as the exact configuration of your TABLE BBCode? I'll need both pieces of info in plain text (not screenshots) so I can replicate this issue locally :)
Here's a sample of the type of message. I've tested it in vBMail and it produces the same result as reported.

I'm not sure what you mean by "exact configuration of your TABLE BBCode". The table BBcode is native to vBulletin and I haven't modified it.

[PLAIN][TABLE="width: 500"]
Ah, I was not aware it was a built-in BBCode as I've never actually used it personally. I'll test this again and get back to you :)
I'll need the exact step-by-step instructions for replicating this, as I am unable to replicate it using vBulletin 4.2.3.

I have tried:
  1. Switching to WYSIWYG mode, paste the raw BBCode, save
  2. Switching to Source mode, paste the raw BBCode, save
  3. Switching to Source mode, paste the raw BBCode, switching to WYSIWYG mode, save
  4. Switching to Source mode, paste the raw BBCode, switching to WYSIWYG mode, switching back to Source mode, save

Neither of these steps produced the issue you are reporting. If possible, please provide a video screencast of you reproducing this problem from a fresh mail (i.e. not loaded from an existing draft).
I must admit this problem has be scratching my head. There aren't any plugins active which mess around with the parsing or the editor and I've had a good look through your code but I can't see anything different to how I parse WYSIWYG output.

A few of things I have also checked:
  • Disabling custom bbcode plugins
  • Reinstalling vBMail
  • Using default vBulletin theme
  • Using latest vB and vBMail versions

The only thing I did discover is if you disable HTML parsing in parse_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode then tables get filtered out as HTML content... it's just happened on this product though :S

This issue is 100% exclusive to your forum, as far as I can tell. Try setting up a fresh installation of vBulletin, installing only this product (no skins or other plugins, and using freshly downloaded vBulletin files) and try it there.
This issue is 100% exclusive to your forum, as far as I can tell. Try setting up a fresh installation of vBulletin, installing only this product (no skins or other plugins, and using freshly downloaded vBulletin files) and try it there.

Thanks - I'll try that. Can't understand it - must be a conflict somewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hello Cadellin,

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