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The shoutbox displays but the screen just displays the words "loading"


We first upgraded, as that didn't work we did a fresh install and still no luck
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Could you please check Firefox' Error Console and tell me if there's any JS errors?
Could you please revert any customisations to dbtech_vbshout_shoutbox template? It appears to not load jQuery 1.5.1 for you, which is required for that function.

Alternatively, if you're using a mod like vB SuperCharged to move JS to the bottom of the page, please disable such functionality as it could also break this mod.
we reverted all templates BEFORE upgrading to latest version.

we also only use DB Tech mods for optimization (VB optimize)

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The problem does appear to be a mod is moving the location of <script> tags - please disable any such mods and try again.
Fillip H. the previous shoutbox was working fine as we have tied to upgrade we have encountered these issues, as we upload the older version everything is fine.

I have tried everything including comparing your shoutbox and ours still no luck
Fillip H. the previous shoutbox was working fine as we have tied to upgrade we have encountered these issues, as we upload the older version everything is fine.

I have tried everything including comparing your shoutbox and ours still no luck

Can you try disabling your other mods one by one? It appears you have a modification active which is moving certain tags - this breaks the shoutbox.

we narrowed the issue to hassan sub forum manager, i made a change to it (it was calling 1.3.2 jscript), i removed that and everything is sweet as a nut.

So i modified the hassan sub forum manager plugin, and got them to work in harmony :)

THanks guys,

But there are still issues like custom BB code can be used, etc. But apart from that, its good
We will remove the jQuery dependency for 5.4.1 - it wasn't really needed anyway. Sorry for the hassle :(

I will look into the Custom BBCode issue for that version also :)
You'll have 5.4.1 later to solve about 9001 issues, is that relevant to your internets? xD
We will remove the jQuery dependency for 5.4.1 - it wasn't really needed anyway. Sorry for the hassle :(

I will look into the Custom BBCode issue for that version also :)

Also we have a lot off issues:

1: The PM access control is broken - The Everyone button as a Enter Username option, simply entering a username lets the user bypass the pm deny permissions.

2: The context menu does nothing in way of banning a user, silencing, pruning etc. Clicking them does nothing.

3: Any chance to hide system tab for non-protected users?

I think that is about it :/
I'll look into it - I'm currently working on the workaround for Suhosin users, I'll get back to you when I'm working on those issues :)
Custom BBCode can unfortunately not be fixed due to a bug in the AME product - they use an incorrect method of creating their custom function which causes errors if I enable support for custom BBCodes. I contacted the author of the AME product and got told that they would not fix it because it wasn't their problem.

The AME mod is very popular, and as such I was forced to remove the support.

I've confirmed the ban etc issue, I'll fix that + the PM issues :)
Thats fine Fillip H., keeps are Shoutbox mods doing some work deleting the custom bbcodes if abused by users.
But we are still testing the sb
Thanks Fillip H.
I'm prepping v5.4.1 for release now, you may want to hold off on testing until it's installed so you don't find any of the already fixed issues :)
Fixed in 5.4.1 :)

I hotfixed it as you mentioned it just now, so you may need to re-download if you managed to grab it within the last 10 minutes from this post :)
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