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First I have a question about selecting the forums. In the screen shot of my admin panel, it appears maybe something didn't go right. I'm expecting a selection box but getting some code? Also notice the styling (or lack there of) of the admincp that normal?


also should I be able to manually place the code {vb:raw show.dbtech_vbslider} on forum home (if set to yes) and have it show up?
Ensure all the plugins for the product are enabled. The only time I've seen an error like that is when the plugin for building for forum list is disabled.

Brad via Tapatalk
Somethings not right. Enabling the mod is screwing with subforums... frankly it is too difficult to explain, but when enabled I can't see any of my sponsor forums, and instead contents of another forum is displaying (on the default style). On my custom style, nothing is showing...but when i click a sponsor forum (which is a subforum) I am being taken to another forum.

Wouldn't pluggins be enabled by default if I just installed the product? I just looked at the vbslider pluggins and they are all enabled. (although right now I re-disabled the product due to issues with subforums).
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Does it work without trying to place the code in a template? Or its screwing up and all you have done is install the product? Did everything look normal when you installed the XML? And finally, when enabled, can you use the Firebug console and see if there are any errors?

I'm assuming you are using v2.0.0. Can you try and earlier version to see if it works so I can attempt to narrow down the possible causes? Thanks!

Brad via Tapatalk
It appeared to install properly. When I first saw the messed up admincp style and the forum list issue, I then reuploaded and reinstalled everything. So far I have just tried the vb 2.0.0 that I downloaded from the system here on dbtech. I can try to install the earlier version to see what it does.

I put the code in a test style template and also tried it with just enabling on the forum home. However at that time I wasn't aware of the problem it was causing with the subforums until a member pointed out the issue. I'll mess around a little more to see if I can provide any more info.

---------- Post added at 13:15 ---------- Previous post was at 13:13 ----------

Hold on... think I know at least one of the problems....

---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 13:15 ----------

I fixed the issue with the admincp styling and the forum list. However it is still breaking my subforums.
The admincp issue was due to the fact I just uploaded the upload file and forgot I have a custom name for my admincp folder. Had to upload that manually. :o

If you click on any of my forums right now, the contents are showing incorrectly for some reason. (I can't leave it that way for long....will disable mod in a couple minutes.)

---------- Post added at 13:26 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------

Its like the forumid's are shifted or something.
Ok, I don't know what it looks like normally, but I think I see that its not correct.

Also, it appears that on forumhome at least, there is a conflict with another jQuery script. See screenshot:


Try disabling the tooltip mod and see if that resolves any issues.
No errors in the console, so that seems to be ok..?

I'm trying to figure out how you even have your forum setup, as it is far from a typical vB site. What is happening, and I don't have any idea why, is that the newest posts are being loaded into every forum thread listing. Any forum you go to has the exact same listing. Try setting the quantity of threads to 0 (technically disabling pulling from the forums), and see what it does.
Well, that didn't appear to help at all. :(

---------- Post added at 12:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Ok, try one more thing. Place the slider at the bottom of forum home and see if that changes anything.
Yeah, any forum you goto, the first page will be all of the newest threads from the entire site, and then next page will take you to page 2 of the Basics forum.
I don't think that is entirely true. It appears that it is just reordering the threads in wrong forums. At least it isn't matching the new post search results for me.

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

The basics forum seems to be correct is from there down the list it gets more screwed up.
Ok, its fixed. The issue now is, you may not be able to use it anywhere. The hook to load the slider was "parse_templates". I moved it to "forumhome_start" and it works now. I may be able to move it to something like "global_start" to allow for the slider to be placed anywhere, and perhaps that won't conflict with the way your site is set up.

---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 13:04 ----------

Well, global_start doesn't work either, unfortunately...
That was quick thanks!

Well my plan was to have it at the top of the forum home anyways. One question though, I thought about making it about 800x130 px to be where that chat graphic is on the top of my forum home. I assume that the overall slider sizing can be changed (prolly pro only?)?
No, it can be changed, although in 3.8.x, its slightly harder (4.x uses stylevars). In the dbtech/vbslider/actions/ folder, there is a dbtech_vbslider_forum.css file. In there, you can change the slider height (#slider), but oddly I don't see a max width (just a width - 4.x has a max width in the stylevars). You should be able to change the width there as well to get it to where you want. If not, let me know.

When you change the height, also change all .LL, .LC, .LR, .RR, etc., heights to match as well.
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