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Andy Dean

I've been running InfernoShout Pro on my site for a few years now without issue. In the past week i''ve decided to update it to DBTech VbShout.

I've installed it and everything seems fine withe the exception that shouts simply will not post. Attemptimg to post a shout updates the active users box but not the shoutbox, that simply remains 'Nothing to Display...'

I've uploaded the files/reinstalled the XML several times but it still will not display shouts...

...Any help would be greatly appreciated! :D
Text files don't need to be chmodded, only the directory itself.

I'll check it out on your forum and post back if I need any more information / access :)
It appears that I can't access the shoutbox as a newly registered user - could you please update my Fillip H. account to the required permissions?
The problem appears to be that your MySQL version is too old and doesn't support the sub-queries feature properly. This mod's only tested on MySQL 5.0.x, not 4.1.x.

Is there any way you can either upgrade MySQL yourself, or have your host do it for you? 4.1 is unsupported by MySQL for several years now, so I believe it'd be in your best interest to upgrade to a newer version :)

In the meantime, I have commented out the offending code from the /dbtech/vbshout_pro/includes/hooks/dbtech_vbshout_fetch_shouts_query.php
Yeah, i have the ability to upgrade MySQl via WHM, it's just never occured to me to do it lol

I'll backup the Databases and upgrade to MySQL 5.1

Thank you very much for your help Fillip! :D
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