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Two Campaigns

Two donation options where donors can select the Donate button to contribute to a campaign.

I am looking at using it for a non-profit or charity organization but also wish to have an option for my own community.

Maybe Separate Donation areas.
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Okay, I will do some research too. :)
I think we may need some extra fields to input information.
The info then can be collected from the non-profit or charity and be entered into the field but again I will look into it too. ;)
The way you word your contribution message should cover all multiple aspects of contributing.No need to have one for each of your goals.
It is something that has been requested before and will be considered for a future update. :)
GoodApples TBolley I have been thinking on this some more and I think the only way to do multiple goals is if the contribution for all goals goes to the same place, like they do now. Like if you wanted to contribute to a different cause such as American Cancer Society you would have to collect the contributions and then send them the money from your account. This is due to the fact that I don't think it is possible for me to get the IPN from PayPal if it is going to some place else.

So only thing I can see multiple goals being used for is if you want users to contribute to server costs or something else like upgrading the server with additional memory or something.
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