vBDonate v1.1.2 Gold Released!!


Former Developer
After a very successful beta period I am happy to announce the release of vBDonate v1.1.2 which is available in Pro and Lite versions.

You can find the Pro & Lite product here, vBDonate - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons

This is what has been done from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A issue with adding a contributor manually, it would add a extra day to the date.
Fixed: A issue where the Contribution Actions dropdown in the sub-navbar would show up on the Contribute Tab, it is not needed there since the tab has it's own sublinks.
Fixed: A issue where you would get a error trying to delete custom banners. (Pro)

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: Added usergroup permissions for viewing the forum sideblock.
Changed: Cleaned up the css code that was for the forum sideblocks.
Changed: Used a different icon on the header of the forum sideblocks.
Changed: Removed the icon that was in the sub header of the forum sideblocks.
Changed: The fieldset title on the postbit from a phrase to adding text via a option.
Changed: The text inside the postbit block from a phrase to adding text via a option.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: Ability to choose 8 hook locations in the postbit and postbit_legacy template to show the postbit donate block on.
Added: 4 Images to the download, overwriting existing ones, the new ones have rounded corners.
Added: A option to remove the currency from the forum side block, (ie: ) ( USD )
Added: A option to put your own symbol for the currency before the amount in the forum sideblock, (ie: ) $ 50
Added: The contributors avatar in the sideblocks instead of the $.png
Added: Two new setting groups in the vBDonate Dashboard, Sideblock Settings and PostBit Settings, removing them from the General Settings group as that was getting rather quite large.
Added: A fully customizable Marquee Block that can be set to display on four default locations, or with template edits can placed just about anywhere on the site.
Added: A stylevar, so you can change the background image shown in the postbit control area for the Contribute link.

Here is a run down on all the features:
Major Features

Auto Confirming: Donations will auto confirm from PayPal once the donation has actually been processed through PayPal's system.

PayPal Testing Environment: Ability to set the donation system to a testing environment via PayPal's SandBox mode.

Marquee Block: A fully customizable marquee block can be placed just about anywhere on your site.

Payment Options: Administrators can set donation amounts to Custom, Suggested, or Suggested and Custom.

Interactive Donation List Page: Administrators can confirm, unconfirm, and edit donations from the donation list page

Donation Goal Bar: A donation goal bar can be placed just about anywhere on your site.

Donator Page: Donators will be able to view a "My Contributions" page which will list only their donations.

Import Donations (PRO Only): The Pro version comes with a importer to import donations from VSA or AWC donation mods.

vBulletin Versions: Compatible with vB versions 4.1.x and 4.2.x

Complete Feature List

Lite Features

  • StyleVars
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes in the contribution list.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar donated goal amount.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar remaining goal amount.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes of the donation bar border.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donate link on the sub-navbar.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the un-confirmed donations on the donation list page.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar donated goal amount on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the donation bar remaining goal amount on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border attributes of the donation bar border on the sideblocks.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the background image shown in the postbit control area for the Contribute link.
  • General Settings
    • Option to toggle plugin on or off.
    • Option to disable the donation system temporarily.
    • Option to set usergroup permissions to which groups can act as vBDonate administrators.
    • Ability to change the reason for turning the modification off temporarily. (Shown to a user if the system is disabled)
    • Option to display the product version or not.
    • Option to remove the Hivelocity from footer.
    • Option to remove the DBTech branding, if you purchased a branding free key for the product.
    • Ability to select which usergroups can "NOT" use the donation system.
    • Ability to change the message if a user who is in a group not allowed to use the donation system.
    • Ability to change the data format M-D-Y or D-M-Y.
    • Option to disable showing the contribution menu on the sub-navbar.
    • Option to disable showing the donate navtab on the navbar. (Only works with vB versions 4.1.x not 4.2)
    • Option to show the donate navtab on the second navbar if you have vBNavTabs Pro. (Only works with vB versions 4.1.x not 4.2)
    • Ability to enable BB codes in subheader text.
    • Ability to change the text in the subheader.
    • Ability to change the subheader height.
    • Option to show PayPal image on the donation block (non verified accounts).
    • Ability to change PayPal image on the donation block (non verified accounts).
    • Option to show Verified PayPal image on the donation block (verified accounts).
    • Ability to change Verified PayPal image on the donation block (verified accounts).
    • Option to show smaller images on the vBDonate DashBoard.
    • Ability to easily change the General Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the PayPal Payment Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Donator List Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Change Usergroups Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Send PM Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the Donation Bar Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the SideBlock Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Ability to easily change the PostBit Settings image shown on the vBDonate DashBoard in the ACP.
    • Option to show image instead of Submit Button on the donation page.
    • Ability to easily change the image shown on the donation page.
    • Ability to change the marquee block header text.
    • Ability to change the marquee message text.
    • Ability to change the marquee message color.
    • Ability to change the marquee message background.
    • Ability to change the marquee message text size.
    • Ability to change the marquee message scroll speed.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the contribution list.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the contribute block.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the goal meter.
    • Ability to show the marquee block above the users contribution list.
  • PayPal - Payment Settings
    • Ability to set your PayPay E-Mail.
    • Option to enable PayPal SandBox Testing.
    • Ability to set your PayPay SandBox E-Mail.
    • Ability to choose from three different donation amount types, Suggested Only, Suggested and Custom or Custom Only.
    • Ability to set the suggested donation amounts to your choosing.
    • Ability to choose the currency type you want donated (choose between 22 different types) only one type allowed.
    • Ability to set the minimum amount you will take as a donation, for Custom Donations.
    • Option to have the PayPal donation screen open in a new window in the browser.
  • Donator List Settings
    • Ability to change the results per page to show on the donation list.
    • Ability to select which usergroups can see the donation list.
    • Ability to show three different configurations for donation statistics, Don't Show, Total Donations Only or Total Donations and Amount.
    • Option to show donation amounts of each donor, on the donation list, to usergroups who can view the donation list.
    • Option to show donations list link on the Quick Links menu, Community menu or both.
    • Ability to change the message shown to a user who is in a group not allowed to see the donation list.
    • Option to enable / disable a right border on the donation list.
    • Option to enable / disable a top border on the donation list.
    • Ability to change the default listing of donations between ascending or descending.
    • Option to show the actual donation id number on the donation list.
  • Change Usergroup Settings
    • Option to enable usergroup change upon donating.
    • Ability to set the usergroup to switch the donator to.
    • Option to add the user to a usergroup (additional usergroups) or change the user to a usergroup (primary usergroup).
    • Option to change the users display group upon donating.
    • Option to change the users title, the user title is what is displayed below the user's name like in the postbit.
    • Ability to set what the donators user title will be.
  • Send PM Settings
    • Option to enable the PM system.
    • Ability to set which user sends the PM's.
    • Option to send a PM to a user after donating.
    • Option to send a PM to a user after the donation is confirmed.
    • Option to send a PM to a user if you manually added the donation.
    • Option to send a PM to staff members upon someone donating.
    • Ability to choose which staff members receive the PM's.
  • Donation Bar Settings
    • Option to enable the donation bar.
    • Ability to enter your donation goal amount.
    • Ability to have the goal reset Monthly or Yearly.
    • Ability to show the goal amount on the donation bar or just a percentage.
    • Option to have a message display below the donation bar.
    • Ability to change the text shown below the donation bar.
    • Ability to set the width of the donation goal block.
    • Ability to center the donation goal block on the page if it is set smaller than 100%.
    • Ability to change the donation bar height.
    • Ability to change the donation bar width.
    • Ability to set the THIS_SCRIPT locations to display the donation bar on.
    • Ability to choose one of three different locations to display the donation bar on.
    • Ability to change the text position of the text on the donation goal block (center, left).
    • Option to show a Contribute image instead of Contribute Now text on the donation goal block.
    • Option to switch the Contribute Now text or Contribute image from above the bar to below the Donate Bar Note Text.
    • Ability to easily change the Contribute image shown on the Donation block.
    • Option to hide the admin menu found in the donation bar header dropdown.
  • Side Block Settings
    • Option to turn Forum sideblocks on or off.
    • Option to select which usergroups see the sideblocks.
    • Option to fix broken display issues with sideblocks that some skins seem to have, so far it's only BP skins.
    • Option to show PayPal verified image or non PayPal verified image in Forum sideBlock.
    • Ability to easily change the verified PayPal image shown on the Forum sideBlock.
    • Ability to easily change the non verified PayPal image shown on the Forum sideBlock.
    • Option to show a goal meter on the sideblocks.
    • Option to change the currency display on the sideblock to a symbol in front of the amount.
    • Ability to easily change what symbol shown in front of the amount donated on the sideblock
  • Postbit Settings
    • Option to show a donate block in the postbit.
    • Ability to easily change the image in the postbit block.
    • Option to show the postbit block on the first post only.
    • Eight different locations to choose from in the postbit to display the block.
    • Ability to set which usergroups see the donate postbit block.

Pro Additional Features

  • StyleVars
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the color of the banner block background.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the border of the banner block.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the height of the banner.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the width of the banner.
    • Has a stylevar, so you can change the file location of the rotating banner images.
  • General Settings
    • Option to show a Additional block about Verified accounts.
    • Ability to change text shown on the Verified block header.
    • Ability to change text shown on the Verified block sub-header.
  • PayPal - Payment Settings
    • Option to have a image show on the PayPal payment screen.
    • Ability to easily change the image show on the PayPal donation screen.
  • Rotating Banner Settings
    • Option to show rotating banner, image changes every time the page is refreshed.
    • Option to change the default banner size for fixed skins and smaller screen resolutions.
    • Ability to set the THIS_SCRIPT locations to display the rotating banner on.
    • Ability to choose one of three different locations to display the rotating banner on.
    • Ability to choose which usergroups can not view the rotating banners.
    • Option to have a new page open in the browser if a user clicks on the banner, which redirects them to the donate page.
    • Ability to change the text shown when a user hovers over the banner.
    • Option to show a sliding banner, image will change via javascript, on a determined amount of time.
    • Option to have jQuery load or not, as to not cause conflicts with other mods.
    • Ability to set the jQuery Version.
    • Ability to set the sliding banner display time, how long you want the image to show before another one is loaded.
  • Slider Banners
    • Ability to change if the image shows on the CMS page from the main content page.
    • Ability to change if the image shows on the Forum pages from the main content page.
    • Ability to toggle each images active status from the main content page.
    • Ability to click on edit to change each existing image.
    • Ability to delete each image from the main content page.
    • Ability to set the each banners title on the create content page.
    • Ability to add each banners url on the create content page.
    • Option to have the image show on the CMS page on the create content page.
    • Option to have the image show on the Forum page on the create content page.
    • Option to set the image active on the create content page.
  • Importer
    • Ability to import donations from VSA donation system.
    • Ability to import donations from AWC donation system.

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