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I purchased 4 products this morning, I did figure out how to get to the arrea for downloading them, however when I try to extract the "files" showing a .zip file extension my program tells me that there is no compressed files, this happens with all 4 programs. Seems there are no contents to uncompress. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I'm under the assumption that I have to uncompress the files on my pc, then move them to my sites server. I use filezilla for this. Any ideas??
We don't use vBDownloads to create the product downloads. I moved the thread to the right forum and I'll tag Fillip H. on it as he's the one that takes care of that system.
What size are the files btw?
Answered in email:

I just tested it, and it works fine for me. If you're using Internet Explorer 8, could you please try upgrading to IE9 or use another browser.?
Also, if you're using the built-in Windows Compressed Archive manager, could you please try an alternative like WinRAR or 7-Zip? :)
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