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That specific automatic location is not available to vB 3.8 due to a lack of available hooks. Sorry :(
Thanks for replay, that options it not necessary, we will update to vB 4.x in this year... maybe ;) But we have another serious problem, when shout i enabled, mysql sever is overload 70-150% time cpu :O Forum visit a few thousand people and with out shout load server is max 15%.... how to optimize shout?
Thanks for replay, that options it not necessary, we will update to vB 4.x in this year... maybe ;) But we have another serious problem, when shout i enabled, mysql sever is overload 70-150% time cpu :O Forum visit a few thousand people and with out shout load server is max 15%.... how to optimize shout?

First question to that has to be are you running VBSEO? vBSEO is known to cause large load increases when an AJAX mod like vBShout is installed - we are looking at ways to combat this.

Secondly, Ensure Auto-Idle is turned on - this prevents users not using the shoutbox from consuming resources.
Lastly you may want to increase the refresh rate (5-10 seconds works for most servers) which will help with resources.

If a few thousand people are actually *using* vBShout then im afraid a load increase is inevitable - it is a chat program after all =(

Yes unfortunately we using vBESO... but now vbshout is ok, another admin set idle time to 0 :O and that was main problem. Maybe someday your team create shout irc channel I think that will be better when forum is huge ;)

Anyway thanks a lot for help ! :)
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