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A little suggestion about maybe intergrating shouts into the activity system by where users can unlock titles and trophies dependant on how many shouts they've done (regardless of pruning the shoutbox etc)

Secondly the abilty to give out Achievements/trophies for the following:

Viewing a certain thread/page X amount of times

Editing user profile (more specific things like adding a profile picture or writing a visitor comment, or changing their avatar or signature for the first time)

Sending/recieveing X amount of Pm's

Editing a post

Inserting a hyperlink into a post

Changing skins X amount of times

Loging out

Being Logged out for X amount of hours/minuites/seconds

Random event achievement which will be randomly given out to X amount of members after X amount of days/months/years (in otherwords theres no way of getting it as it requires no criteria to be met, apart from sheer luck)

Just a few to throw at you for now, i'll think of more later. vBActivity has a lot of potential if you can really push open the doors to the amount of customization that could be had in lots of aspects of the forums, a lot of these suggestions only require you to have vBulletin so all users of the product can use them without requiring any addition mods or addons.
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