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I am in the process of switching from IPB to vbulletin and when I tried your vbdownloads that I just downloaded I get an error when uploading.
It says you have not filled in all the fields yet I have.
I thought at first it was do to the fact that I did not put in the url so I just put the site url as there is no other url for the download.
I am in the process of switching from IPB to vbulletin and when I tried your vbdownloads that I just downloaded I get an error when uploading.
It says you have not filled in all the fields yet I have.
I thought at first it was do to the fact that I did not put in the url so I just put the site url as there is no other url for the download.
I'll check it out! Thanks for reporting! :)
Are you sure you selected a category, gave the download a name,and filled in the description?

I registered at your site and I do not see downloads there.
Also could you provide a valid url where the vBDownloads is installed, the url you provided is a IPB site not vBulletin

Do that by editing issue at the beginning of the thread.

If it is a local test site, don't worry only DBT Staff can see the url for sites.
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I got the same problem.

I created the downlod(CHMOD 777) folder on dir root and set the path to downloads field to /home/user/public_html/downloads
Filled all fields and I always got the same error.
You forgot to fill in required fields. Please go back.

What means flashupload? Is there any feature I need to enable or what?

if ((!$title || !$desc || !$catid) && $flashupload == false) {
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I got the same problem.

I created the downlod(CHMOD 777) folder on dir root and set the path to downloads field to /home/user/public_html/downloads
Filled all fields and I always got the same error.
You forgot to fill in required fields. Please go back.

What means flashupload? Is there any feature I need to enable or what?

if ((!$title || !$desc || !$catid) && $flashupload == false) {
That is a Pro feature. The lite will not be effected by the $flashupload variable. Could you send me login info for your site so I can check that you have everything correctly configured?
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