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Im trying out Lite and will be upgrading to Pro, but have a few questions first.

1) On the 'Available Events' page in admin, none of the ? marks work. They are not clickable, so I can't find out what some of the actions mean.

2) Same page, when I deselect the "select" box for an event, it automatically re-checks it when I update the page. I want to turn off "Donations" so i unchecked "active" and "select".

I can uncheck 'active' but not 'select'. I don't want the popup window for donations to popup when someone clicks on another users credits.
The ?'s are informational when you hover over them. If you edit the event, it will describe what the action is.

The checkmarks under select simply indicate which events apply under the mass-update dropdown at the bottom.
So, to disable the Donate event, you could either edit that event directly, change it to disabled, and save it, or uncheck the Active checkbox, leave Select checkbox checked, and update events at the bottom.

The popup only completely goes away if all transfer-related events are inactive, though the popup is the only method through which you can perform any transfer-related actions.
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