Question HELP! My members need 328 credits to answer in a thread...

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Nice mod, again!

But i have a problem: after upgrading to the PRO-version all my settings are gone. Furthermore, some members told me that they needed 328 (or 108 or ... credits to answer in a topic - including me, the admin, need some credits.

How can i make this mod working, that they receive credits only for the writing, that is no credits needed for the answer (or reduce the needed credits)?

another one:

i want to give some credits for "visit" and for "activity" - what is the logical multiplier for this events?

Thank you for the moment
I'm pretty sure the charge tag means it costs that amount of credits to perform the action. Un-tick all the charge boxes.
When i want to make an "activity event" activ, what i need to enter in the field multiplier?

Is it days, hours or i missunderstood the concept wrong.


Thank you in advance


Ohh...and how is the "charging" calculated ?
Leave it at no multiplier and see if that works for you :)

What do you mean, how is charging calculated? If you set an event to charge, users need to pay the specified amount of credits to perform whatever action you set it for, or it costs them that amount automatically depending on the event.
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