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Bryan Choo

Shouts To Display Controls how many shouts are shown in the Shoutbox on your configured pages, and also acts as the Shouts Per Page setting for the archive.

Is it possible to hardcore a separate number in my templates somewhere for the chat archive? Because its been a few hours and I already have 50 archived pages of chat, I can only imagine the millions of pages i will have by the end of the year.

Thanks for your help as always :)
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You can set auto-prune in the instance options, that should help reduce the total amount of shouts you accumulate :)
But i dont wish to use auto prune because that will get rid of the top chatters statistics :(

isnt there any other way i can hardcode the number in?

And could i use css to change the entire font size of the chatbox? i jsut need it 1 size smaller, right now the chatlines are a size bigger then the sticky and the rest of my site and it looks weird. I want it to be same size as the "active users"

Thanks Fillip, there seems to be alot of limited funcitonality but if u could help me with just these 2 essential areas i would gladly continue tbuying db tech products and r ecomemnding them
I don't know of any other way, no.

I don't know of a way to change the default font size short of globally changing the "small font" size, I'm not really a skin dev so I'm not skilled enough in CSS to answer that question, sorry.
1) To change the archive chat, could i just go into the code (The thing is i dont know where to be looking) and replace the variable for the archive msg count? So instead of it saying count=$dbchatarchivemessagelines i just change that to 300, so it displays 300 lines of messages in the archive. Thats how i normally change it and thats how all modders help.. they just tell us users where to look for it.. even the free modders bother to do that

2) Could i change the chatlines so it doesnt use "smallfont" ? I will make it use of a new "chatfont" and then specify the defintions by myself in the css templates. Again, i know how add a new css but i dont know where to look in the code to change the smallfont to chatfont and any help at all will be much appreciated, especially since this is a paid product I feel you're just rushing through my questions saying no to everything and trying to clear your ticket queue asap because thats alot faster then typing out the solution to the problem.

Thanks for your help Fillip and i really hope you provide better support, im quite disappointed yet again.
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1. If I'm understanding you correctly, you want to limit the maximum number of pages that appear in the archive. If that's the case then you need to find
sanitize_pageresults($shouts_num['totalshouts'], $pagenumber, $perpage, 250, 25);
in /dbtech/vbshout/actions/archive.php and above it add
$shouts_num['totalshouts'] = 1;
replacing 1 with 25 x <number of pages you want>. So for instance, if you want 50 pages, you'll replace 1 with 25x50, or 1250.

Note that this customisation will break the archive for instances that have less than 1250 shouts, or if you ever prune the shoutbox down to having less than 1250 shouts.

2. You could look at dbtech_vbshout.css and change the following CSS snippet:
.formcontrols .blockrow .dbtech_vbshout_smallfont {
    font-size:{vb:stylevar small_fontSize};
For example, u previously said modding the archive to look like the detached version was impossible without serious effort but after spending 15 mins playing around with it i managed to do it. Starcraft 2 SEA - A site for the Starcraft 2 SEA & ANZ Community

Thanks for your help Fillip and i really hope you provide better support, im quite disappointed yet again.

Just popping to to say Fillip actually didn't say this at all. What he did say was

Fillip H. said:
Not without extensive editing which is not something we support
(you can see it here:

That is still the case - If something isn't a case of a 1 value change for instance then we do not support manual editing/hacking to get new looks etc. This is because to do this we would not only need to take time every time someone asked for a customization like this, but we would then have to try to talk the person through making the changes, and debug any issues that may occur on their setup/skin etc etc.

What Fillip said wasn't "This is impossible without serious effort", it was that it would require customization beyond that we can offer or support.

Hope that clears it up for you - didn't want anyone else reading this thread to read your words and assume they were an accurate quote.

thanks fillip, the #6 post was extremely helpful and what i was after and expected of supprt.

acutally i dont want to put a limit on the max page numbers, what i want to do is have more lines displayed in the archive. so for e.g with say 500 - it displays 500 chatlines in every page of the archive before making a new one.
(I dont want the acrhive and message live chat lines to have the same number thats why i cant use the default config option on the Admin CP)

So for

sanitize_pageresults($shouts_num['totalshouts'], $pagenumber, $perpage, 250, 25);

I thought if i replace all instances of $perpage with say 500 it would work but im getting an error. please help! what do i need to replace?

---------- Post added 2nd November 2011 at 01:03 ---------- Previous post was 31st October 2011 at 23:45 ----------

any reply for this please?
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Please follow my instructions in the previous post, it details exactly what you need to do :)
Sorry i think you got confused, your instructions are for forcing a limit of the maximum number of pages in the archive.

I dont want to put a limit on the max page numbers, what i want to do is have more chat box lines displayed in the archive. page numbers still increase dynamically and there is no maximum limit for it so for e.g if i edit the variable to say 500 - it displays 500 chatlines in every page of the archive before making a new one.
(I dont want the archive and message live chat lines to have the same number thats why i cant use the default config option in the Admin CP and need to know the place to hardcore the archive "chatlines to display" variable.)
I see, in that case all you need to do is change
$perpage = (!$vbulletin->GPC['perpage']) ? 25 : ($vbulletin->GPC['perpage'] > 250 ? 250 : $vbulletin->GPC['perpage']);
$perpage = 500;
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