Am I able to sell custom made TT packs for dirst cheap?

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Well I have been working on several different TT packs (all with 100 cards levels 1-10), & would like to sell theme here for $2-5 max depending on the packs. Is this something I can do?

I am just asking if I can create a sample post on the forums with images & price guides. The users can PM me for the rest.

I have about 20 or so custom made packs ranging from Final Fantasy - Anime. I am looking to generate money to buy the pro versions of your mods =P

Please let me know if this is allowed.


Edit: *Dirt cheap......* Doh~!
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I hope so. =) I can't see why not since you're not giving away their code or anything, but... I'm not Cosmic or Fillip H. so... we'll have to wait for them to answer. =)

Nice work though. =)
Maybe you could just give the rights of your images over to DBtech and they could give you a license and then let them do what they like with them.
Maybe you could just give the rights of your images over to DBtech and they could give you a license and then let them do what they like with them.

I think this is an option they could maybe look into I mean it gives people more for the Triple Triade product.
Still thinking over the logistics of allowing people to offer competing products on the site,

Feel free to add me on msn and we'll discuss it more :)
i don't think other people should be able to sell things, at least not here. Maybe offer some sort of deal for mods instead. :)
I appreciate everyones input.

Either way I would be happy. The time & effort that goes into makine 110 + cards (220 in total if you count alt colors) is time consuming & figured $2 wouldn't hurt people. Hell... I would be fine with some mods though =)

Added Cosmic!
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