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We are running Apache v2.2.22 PHP 5.3.10 MySQL 5.0.45 vB 4.1.2 and XCache 2.0.0
and vBOptimize 2.0.1. The site is running great! However, in the admincp, when I try
to save a template or plugin for example, I get a white page. I see no errors in apache
or php or anything. When I disabled the vBOptimize product, it all started working again
just fine. vBulletin support has said all of my permissions and settings are correct but
that they can't support third party plugins which I would expect.

Do you have any idea why this may happen? I have been all over the post on vB that tells
you why you normally get a white page. This only happens with vBOptimize Lite enabled.
Thank you!
If you enter AdminCP under Maintenance -> View PHP Info, is display_errors set to On?

If not, can you add this directly beneath <?php in config.php:
ini_set('display_errors', true);

PHP errors wouldn't show up in Apache's error logs (unfortunately, oh how I wish they did) and PHP's internal error logging can apparently be spotty (I believe we have them enabled here on DBTech but it seems random when the error_log files actually get created...) so that's why I'm seeing if there's any errors PHP is simply hiding from us. Sneaky little bastard it is ;)

If that does nothing of note, could you please PM me with an FTP account and an AdminCP account? If so, I'll hopefully figure something out :)
I've made the mistake to enable Xcache instead of filecache.

I have the same problem. Nothing I do on admin produces a result. Can I delete vBoptimse settings so I can return to default? Or Can I delete manually all files and reset them?
I've made the mistake to enable Xcache instead of filecache.

I have the same problem. Nothing I do on admin produces a result. Can I delete vBoptimse settings so I can return to default? Or Can I delete manually all files and reset them?
Hi Delfi Reinoso, could you please start your own thread, as this one is over a month old it is already flagged as no response and will not be recognized by our tracking system.
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