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1- My previous point system didn't allow for me to select which groups can participate, yours can. I have some free user groups that don't accrue credits, and won't from this point forward. However I'd like to remove any points from their profile they accrued with the previous system. I've tried changing the number of credits in "Recalculate User Accounts" page to zero but they remain as they were. Can I zero these points out in some way?

2- My previous point system didn't allow for decimal points, yours does. I'd like to convert the members numbers to decimal so it shows more like $. For example MemberA had 500 points in the old system, I'd like their postbit to show 5.00. Again I tried changing these numbers on the "Recalculate User Accounts" page but to no avail. I can show 2 decimal points but with the numbers carrying over they look like 500.00 where I'd like it to show 5.00. Is there a way I can convert all my current members to this format?
1. Recalculate User Accounts -> Select your usergroups -> Find -> Show Advanced Options -> "Formula" Field: replace contents with 0 -> Update Users

2. Recalculate User Accounts -> Select your usergroups -> Find -> Show Advanced Options -> "Formula" Field: append / 100 to the end of the existing content -> Update Users
I see, then that must be a Pro-only feature. I apologise for the confusion, I'm not the original developer of this modification and the Pro-only features aren't marked in the mod itself, so I had no idea. My bad :(
I see, then that must be a Pro-only feature. I apologise for the confusion, I'm not the original developer of this modification and the Pro-only features aren't marked in the mod itself, so I had no idea. My bad :(

No worries. I was thinking of purchasing the Pro version but I have a few questions as to how I'd make it work for my site. Should I ask those questions here or would you prefer starting a new thread in a different place?
You can ask them in this thread, questions are usually fine to post in the same thread - it's when bugs or feature requests start getting involved things get hairy tracking wise :)
thanx :)

I believe the 2 important questions I have for this particular mod you already answered in the "how do I" above. Basically (1) since I have some free usergroups I'd like to make sure those people do not accrue points and be able to change the ones that have already via my old point system (UCash) can be changed back to zero (2) convert the current display of points from 500 to 5.00 so it looks more like money.

Further questions are actually more about integration with and use of vB Shop, which I should post in that forum.
Thought of another question

Is it possible to offer points/credits for actions elsewhere on the site? For example for uploading (pics/vids) to the gallery. It's one of your products so I would think it's possible somehow.
Thought of another question

Is it possible to offer points/credits for actions elsewhere on the site? For example for uploading (pics/vids) to the gallery. It's one of your products so I would think it's possible somehow.
Nothing that doesn't come with its own "integration" plugin can accrue credits, as a general rule.

I don't recall if DBGallery has an integration plugin, Dylan can answer that particular question :)
Thanx, I just figured if they're both your programs they might play nice together. Also wondered if adding blog posts and other actions inside vB would work as well.
Thanx Fillip H.. I'll start a feature request thread soon asking for more of any interactions across vB to be included in Credits.
Nothing that doesn't come with its own "integration" plugin can accrue credits, as a general rule.

I don't recall if DBGallery has an integration plugin, @Dylan can answer that particular question :)

I haven't build the integration for credits in the gallery yet. There have been a couple requests for it so I'm sure it will go in with a future version.
2. Recalculate User Accounts -> Select your usergroups -> Find -> Show Advanced Options -> "Formula" Field: append / 100 to the end of the existing content -> Update Users

I tried this for a trial user and it didn't return the correct number. My trial user "had" 129 points. I added the /100 into the formula field but the resulting number was 0.01. Should be 1.29 I know, however it does not. Any thoughts as to where I have mixed something up?
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