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1. How do i hide donate link, why don;t you hide the link if we don;t allow donation in admin ?

2. How do you hide Steal link, why don;t you hide Steal if we don;t allow that on options ?

3. Lotteries on fixed fee look horrible, you should rebuild how you list lotteries. I have 5 prizes and don;t look nice at all.

4. What is the role of inventory ? i have 3 category listing products that are active, don;t undertand what to do with inventory. Please explain, i found nothing in documentation. How do i hide if necesary ?

5. There should be a fixed fee on listing the products not by the size of image. For example list 1, 2, 3 or 4 products on a row. Now i had to resize all images to same size so will look good and ordered.
1. How do i hide donate link, why don;t you hide the link if we don;t allow donation in admin ?
The Donate link does go away if the vBulletin Option to enable donations has been turned off :)

2. How do you hide Steal link, why don;t you hide Steal if we don;t allow that on options ?
Same as #1 :)

3. Lotteries on fixed fee look horrible, you should rebuild how you list lotteries. I have 5 prizes and don;t look nice at all.
We'll look into the design in a future version :)

4. What is the role of inventory ? i have 3 category listing products that are active, don;t undertand what to do with inventory. Please explain, i found nothing in documentation. How do i hide if necesary ?
The Inventory is where users go to manage the items they have purchased :)

5. There should be a fixed fee on listing the products not by the size of image. For example list 1, 2, 3 or 4 products on a row. Now i had to resize all images to same size so will look good and ordered.
List fee? I don't know what you mean, sorry :(
1,2 OK : Don't know why i thought i disabled donate and steal, indeed after i switched off the links was gone wich is perfect !

3 OK Will be great, as design most of the time is very important

4. If i don't allow them to sell back things, or change their data or things like that, is wise to turn that off somehow ?

5. WOW FEE lol ! I wanted to write width, fixed width. I mean if i have 3 products, one image is 64x64, one is 128x128 and one is 150x150 will look very ugly, but if i set 3 products per row will be something like 120 fixed width, or 2 width 180px width, so the smaller images will be centered and look nice. Also i just rembebred if i se a product name like

My website name t shirt Size L Color Blue

Will force width to be 100%, should be fixed width so the text will break apart.

For example Fixed width 1 :100%
Fixed Width 2: 50%
Fixed width 3 :33%
Fixed width 4 : 25 %
Fixed width 5: 20%

Or even more perfectly will be to set the number of products per row and the width of a product, that should be the criteria not the lenght of the title ...

Let me now if you understand why i'm trying to explain.

And still waiting to check the bug for lotteries, the lottery stoped showing info after 5 drawns, even if in front say that was yesterday a new drawn and will be another today ...

You have a pm with all details for login.
4. If i don't allow them to sell back things, or change their data or things like that, is wise to turn that off somehow ?
If no items are set up to allow sellback, there is nothing to disable :)

5. WOW FEE lol ! I wanted to write width, fixed width. I mean if i have 3 products, one image is 64x64, one is 128x128 and one is 150x150 will look very ugly, but if i set 3 products per row will be something like 120 fixed width, or 2 width 180px width, so the smaller images will be centered and look nice. Also i just rembebred if i se a product name like

My website name t shirt Size L Color Blue

Will force width to be 100%, should be fixed width so the text will break apart.

For example Fixed width 1 :100%
Fixed Width 2: 50%
Fixed width 3 :33%
Fixed width 4 : 25 %
Fixed width 5: 20%

Or even more perfectly will be to set the number of products per row and the width of a product, that should be the criteria not the lenght of the title ...
All of these issues is due to the fact that your skin is extremely narrow - only 980 pixels wide. Unfortunately I don't believe we can support a resolution that narrow. Where possible, we try to support 1024px width, but the most popular resolution today is by a big margin 1366 px wide (laptop resolution).

And still waiting to check the bug for lotteries, the lottery stoped showing info after 5 drawns, even if in front say that was yesterday a new drawn and will be another today ...
As per the other thread this has already been fixed on your site :)
Yeah lottery was fixed thanks.

I had now enaugh points to buy somehting from my own shop.

I sawed after checkout that i have few options like configure, discard, and there was another button ... I hit discard, now my item is not there, and my points wasn't gived me back ... why ? if i had no buyback option why is there discard ? Also why i have a button configure instead of asking them to configure before final checkout ! Most of them will not configure item after purchase ... if they see what data i need from them the for sure will complete all fields ..., is there an option to force them to put all data in fields before checkout ?
I sawed after checkout that i have few options like configure, discard, and there was another button ... I hit discard, now my item is not there, and my points wasn't gived me back ... why ?
Because Discard means "throw away" - you threw away the item :)

if i had no buyback option why is there discard ?
That's exactly why there is a Discard option - if there's no buyback option, and the user wants to get rid of the item for whatever reason, they have the option of discarding it :)

Also why i have a button configure instead of asking them to configure before final checkout !
Because vBShop now support buying multiple items per transaction - showing 500 fields for 100 items bought is not a good idea, but we do need to support the ability to buy 100 items at a time that all need 5 fields filled out.

Most of them will not configure item after purchase ... if they see what data i need from them the for sure will complete all fields ..., is there an option to force them to put all data in fields before checkout ?
No, and that won't be added as an option either due to the above issue.
Is not good at all for most of us i think.

Anyway, at least you should have an option to add their data for delivery. Else is a pain to configure each time the adress for shiping.

On items should be the option Delivery if that is checked, you can have 500 items, but only one shipping adress, but again you may say maybe user want to ship to 500 addreses ...

I'm just telling you how 99% of markets work, but you know that.

So now i have another problem.

I got a message saying that a user bought something, the user said he completed the data i asked in custom fields, customization. But where i can see who bought and those data ?

On inventory all i see is the item and who bought
not the data i asked for delivery ...
You can enable notification when the user has configured the item via Manage Items -> Edit -> "Configure Notifications".
But where can i see in amdin this data ? Is very important, as i get tons of pm each day, will be very handy to have it in admin, i enter i see who bought what and the custom details. You must make somehting more easier, as it is very very hard to use this script as a shoping section, i ahve many websites and all of them are so easy to use and have tons of reports to make our life more easier.

So from what are you telling me, i have no option in amdin or somewhere else to see the configured item by someone, as i really need to know where to ship the item he buyed.
So from what are you telling me, i have no option in amdin or somewhere else to see the configured item by someone
That's correct.

vBShop wasn't designed with eCommerce in mind, we added on the configure notification PM later on in order to make it at least capable of handling these things, while far from optimal.

Feel free to submit a feature request for better eCommerce features, though :)
Please be as specific as possible when requesting features. Thanks :D
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